Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Baby Brother Finds His Focus

Brother slept in his rocker at work on Monday. I take multiple pictures of him sleeping everyday, because he's so adorable.

He played with Perry on his Nemo play mat.

He snuggled with mama.

Perry wanted to hold him and snuck in some kisses.

My beautiful niece, Piper Jane, was born in Ohio. We cannot wait to meet her when she comes to visit in October. Congratulations to Dan and Andrea on their sweet little babe!

Brother slept some more...zzz.

He was really alert and talkative at Grammy's house.

Perry gave him some love when she got home from school.

He took more naps at work on Wednesday

The girls swam over at the neighbor's house after school. They just got their pool done, and it was pretty awesome.

Thursday was full of more naps and more spit up.

Brother also found his tongue this week, and the girls all thought it was hilarious that he kept sticking it out at them.

His belly measured two weeks bigger at all of my ultrasounds when I was pregnant, and it does not disappoint.

We tried a Kyte Baby sleep bag instead of the swaddle at night time since he likes to have his arms near his face. It was super soft, and he slept really well in it. He also spit up on it every night, and I kept having to wash it, so we switched back to swaddles pretty quickly.

Brother worked on his smiles. They always start out with him opening his mouth really big in excitement.

He snuggle with his dino blanky on Friday.

He also snuggled with mama.

He wasn't impressed when he woke up and caught me taking pictures of him sleeping.

He hung out in his boppy, while Perry watched Cinderella, her newest obsession.

Grammy bought Gracie a locker that locks with a combination. Perry stole it one afternoon and tried really hard to get it open.

Brother smirked while listening to her in his sleep.

We went for a late afternoon swim on Friday.

Tucker was really interested in the baby this time.

Daddy snuggled with Brother and Perry on Saturday morning.

Then he fell back asleep.

We had a busy day with three birthday parties, so Brother napped in his basket, while the rest of us got ready.

We dropped Gracie off at her friend Peyton's birthday party, and then headed over to the Randall's. Brother continued to snooze as we watched the kids go crazy on the giant water slide. Every time Perry came down, I thought she was going to come up hurt, but she had a blast bouncing and sliding all over the place. We got Chase a big hockey net and stick, and it was fun to watch him play. Happy Birthday, Buddy! We love you so much!!

Isaac left early to go grab Grace from Peyton's, and we headed to the Strike Zone at Sunset Station to celebrate Grace's birthday. She really wanted to have a sleepover with her girlfriends like she did last year, but I wasn't super into that with a new baby in the house. She chose Cosmic Bowling instead. Summer birthdays are always hard, because everyone is on vacation. I also waited until the week before to plan it, so most of her friends couldn't come. She still had the best time with the ones that did make it, though. They bowled, danced, and ate all kinds of junk food like pizza and cupcakes.

We love you, Grace Face! Happy Birthday!!

Brother just kept on snoozin' as we walked out to the car after the party. Look at those cheeks hangin'!

Sunday morning he had some big yawns.

Perry wanted to see how tall he was, so they stood up next to each other, before laying back down to watch movies.

He got dressed and gazed up at Mommy after he ate.

Then he was ready for more napping. Those hands all up in his face kill me.

I think he really wants to suck his thumb, because if he doesn't have a binky, he's always trying to get it in his mouth. He also puts his hand like this a lot when he does have a binky. I'm determined not to let him be a thumb sucker.

We went to brunch with Papa Craig and his parents that were in town from St. Louis. Daddy blow dried Perry's hair to get her ready.

After brunch, it was nap time, and these two littles hung out in my bed.

Brother did some tummy time and played on Daddy's tummy.

Then he took another nap.

We got the girls their first phones this weekend, because they are starting soccer camp on Monday. We are dropping them off at a sports complex from 9-3 everyday, and we want them to have a way to contact us if they need anything. We got schooled on parental controls at the AT&T store, and the guy helped us set everything up. My favorite thing about them having phones is that they take lots of goofy pictures.

We played outside, and Gracie took pictures of her BFF and the cotton candy sky.

Another week in the books! See ya next time.

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