Last Week...

Picture of the Week: All Dressed Up (Brother Stole the Show)

Brother slept in his rocker at the office on Monday.

I got some snuggles in after he ate lunch.

We had an outfit change after he blew out his diaper, and I literally had to cut his onesie off.

After never blowing out a diaper before, this kid had two major blowouts in one day. Outfit number three...

We watched Brielle for a couple of hours that night, and she had fun playing with Perry.

Perry loved on brother Tuesday morning, while I got ready for work.

He continued his habit of sleeping the day away.

We did some tummy time at home that evening.

He napped in his basket, while we made dinner.

This little guy hated being swaddled for the first few weeks. He's really into it now, though, but sometimes he fights and gets his arms out. I'm glad he came around to it, because he sleeps so much longer and deeper when he's wrapped up like a little baby brother burrito.

That afternoon, we went to Uncle's rehearsal dinner, and the kids swam the whole time. Perr and Paxton have become good friends and are just the cutest together.

Brother was adorable at work on Thursday.

We all got dressed up for Elijah's wedding after work, and the kids looked so sweet. 

While Grace and Charley waited in the back for the ceremony to start, Perry anxiously waited in her seat.

They made the cutest flower girls and were being so shy as they walked down the aisle.

Seriously, though, how cute are these kids?

We took some pictures out front while they got the venue reception ready.

Soon, it was time for the party to begin. The bridal party was announced, and we all ate while the kids entertained us on the dance floor.

Finally, it was time for the gender reveal where we learned that Elijah and Ashley are having a baby boy! Congrats, guys!! We're so happy and excited for you!

We spent the rest of the night dancing, and the kids proclaimed it "the best wedding ever".

They really got down when Old Town Road came on. Every kid is in love with this song right now.

We dropped the girls off to Grandma Sunshine after the wedding, and she took them swimming.

Brother worked on pulling his binky out of his mouth and snuggling with mom at work on Friday.

He had another outfit change, but this one was from spit up.

Grandma dropped the girls off at the office that afternoon, and they were all tuckered out.

We hung out with brother and his big ol' belly.

We celebrated Gracie turning NINE! (I still can't believe it.)

I saw this online and loved it so much.

Brother slept in his swaddle with his arms out - his favorite.

Perry is getting so tall and fills up her whole DockATot when she's all stretched out now. This thing is huge, too. We thought it looked like a boat when Santa left it under our tree a couple of years ago. She slept in the smaller one the first year and then moved in to this one. It's currently in her toddler bed, and she's doing great sleeping in it every night (although it is in our bedroom).

Brother wore a bib for the first time, because he loves to spit up.

We snuggled in the rocking chair in between loads and loads of laundry on Saturday.

Daddy woke Perry up on Sunday by putting Brother in her bed. She loved it and tried to show him her painted fingernails.

He hung out in his rocker while we all got ready to celebrate Daddy on Father's Day.

Brother slept in his rocker while the rest of us swam the day away.

Don't worry. We checked on him a lot.

We had this huge gust of wind and then it started raining. 

The wind woke Brother up, so he joined us in the pool when the rain stopped.

We had an amazing week celebrating Elijah and Ashley's wedding on Thursday and Father's Day on Sunday! I say it every year, but we really are spoiled with the best Daddy and Grandpas around. They're all so caring and sweet! Happy Father's Day to all of the daddies out there, but especially ours <3

That's all for now.

See ya next week!

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