Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Pool Days

Baby slept at work on Monday.

Since Grace spent the night at Peyton's house on Sunday, she hung out there on Monday and had fun swimming.

Brother napped some more at home, while the girls helped me make dinner.

He makes the best faces when he sleeps. This kid is always dreaming.

We played outside, and Perry sat herself right in between Nick and Shelly.

Tuesday was more of the same with an outfit change after baby spit up on his clothes and blanky.

Perry loves to come home and strip down to her undies. She's never wearing clothes when we're at home.

Brother slept so peacefully in his basket and even gave us a few smiles.

Toodles jumped on the chair next to Brother, and Perry yelled at him, "don't eat my baby!", which had me cracking up.

Then she wanted to hold him to protect him from the cat.

Brother slept in the Solly wrap, while sisters played outside with their friends.

Back inside, Perry laid on the play mat and tried to smother baby with kisses.

He loves his bath, and his double chin was killinggg me.

We put him in jammies and got him all ready for bed. I love these Little Sleepies zip sleepers because they have the mitten cuffs on the sleeves and feet. 

He continued to sleep the day away at work.

I got some snuggles in when we got home that evening.

Perry had to get her snuggles in, too.

More spit up meant more outfit changes at work. One day, we went through five different outfits!

I left the office for a few minutes, and Allison snapped this picture of Brother looking like he was ready to fight someone. "Where's my mama?"

Daddy held him while he approved checks.

I tried to get him to play in his play mat at the office, but he fell asleep. So far, he does not like this thing at all.

He slept in the car while we went to pick up sisters.

As we were leaving Perry's school, they were getting doughnuts for National Doughnut Day, so she had to grab one on the way out.

She found another one of the girls' face masks upstairs and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

The kids played softball outside, and watching the boys show Perry how to hit and run the bases was the best. They really are like built-in big brothers.

Then there's this little brother that just sleeps all the time.

He's starting to gain some weight, and you can really see it in his cheeks this week.

I just love watching him sleep, and watching those eyebrows move all over the place.

He survived his first trip to the mall. We had to stop by Dick's to get the girls a hockey net and sticks, because we didn't have enough to go around the past few nights.

Perry napped when we got home, because shopping is exhausting.

Brother napped, too. Surprised?

I've been trying to get this guy to smile for what seems like weeks. He finally cracked his first one Sunday morning, and it melted me.

Then he pulled this face and showed off his big ol' belly.

We snuggled while the girls ate breakfast with Daddy.

Isaac (the big one) put the Boppy in Isaac's (the baby one) basket, and he liked sleeping all snug in there.

We went to the pool to swim the afternoon away, and brother slept in the rock 'n play.

The girls had fun swimming all over the place and playing with diving toys.

When Brother woke up, he ate and then hung out in the pool himself. These new baby pool floats are the coolest.

When he was over it, he ate again and hung out in the shade.

Perry snuggled Brother after everyone took baths.

Then he slept with Daddy on the couch.

Mommy got in some sleepy snuggles before bath time and bed time that night.

Apparently, we all did lots of napping this week.

That's all for now.

See ya next week!

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