Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Espejos + Unertls

Grace and Charley started their all day soccer camp on Monday. They were excited and nervous, and took selfies on their new phones on the way.

The camp was at Longevity Sports Center, and it was a pretty cool facility. It was nice that the girls got to be inside. They did the UNLV soccer camp last year, and it was miserable on the outdoor soccer fields in June.

They were really nervous when Daddy left, and sent us these pictures along with texts to come pick them up. We're so mean and made them stick it out.

Brother napped at the office.

He was being so adorable and alert in his rocker when we got home.

Char kept trying to get him to smile.

Which meant that Perry had to try, too. After all, she's his big sister.

He hung out in his sit-me-up and made all kinds of faces.

He got sleepy and napped in his basket.

Daddy dropped the girls off for day two of soccer camp, but this time they didn't want to go.

Brother was snuggly at work.

I took his two month pictures, and Perry had to take her own when I was done.

He hung out in his Bumbo while I finished getting ready to leave Wednesday morning.

The girls were excited about soccer camp on day three. They had a blast the second day and were really loving it.

Brother slept some more.

This time, the pictures they sent were happy ones.

Another snack, another nap.

Perry snuggled with Brudder after school.

He played on the ground in his sit-me-up. We're still having to work super hard for those smiles. He's so serious.

I had to get some things done around the house, so brother napped in his Solly Baby wrap.

He went to bed in his DockATot after bath time.

We did some more snugglin' at work.

Frannie stopped by Grandma Sunshine's salon, so Grandma sent us this picture of the twins.

Charley texted me, and it was the cutest.

Brother did what he does best and slept some more.

He continued his nap tour at work on Friday.

The girls were really loving soccer camp by the last day and asked if they could go again next week.

I told Isaac last week that I have so many pictures of him with the kids, but he never takes any of me. He decided to actually use his camera while I was trying to feed Brother on the drive to California. It was so uncomfortable and killed my back, so I made him pull over the next time Brother wanted to eat.

Perry watched movies on her iPad.

We got to our hotel, and Daddy took pictures of Brother while I gave Perry a bath. She decided to throw up all over the floor right when we walked into our hotel room.

Thankfully, Perry was fine the next morning, and we had the best day in Newport playing on the beach.

We went to the Unertls for dinner that night, and the kids had a blast together.

We brought Brother's DockATot, and he slept while the rest of us played.

When the kids all got tired they hung out watching movies on the couch, and Gracie snuggled with Jakson.

The two little ones wanted to see what we were up to, so they tried the Watch Ya Mouth game. Jase was hilarious, and Perry hated it.

The next morning, Perry and Brother hung out in bed at the hotel.

We went to breakfast, and then headed home. Our plan was to go to Laguna for the day, but we got a late start and decided sleeping in sounded better. Back at home, Perry and I snuggled with Brother and then napped ourselves.

We had a really fun week, and it was so good to get some time in with the Unertls. We love when we get to see them, and I love to watch all of our littles play together.

See ya next week!

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