Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Homecoming Night at Foothill High School

Perry and Brother played in bed Monday morning.

Baby took a nap in his bouncer. He's the sweetest sleeper with those uber kissable cheeks.

Perr Perr had dance class and is still obsessed with her tutu.

While the girls played outside, Brother hung out in his stroller blowing bubbles.

I made this comparison photo of Char and Brother, because everyone says they look so much alike. Although they're basically twins, I can also see him in Grace and Perry's baby pictures. I just think he looks exactly like all of them!

Perry snuggled up to Brother at bedtime Monday night.

After four weeks of fantasy football, I'm currently in first place. I'm usually at the bottom every year, so I'm pretty excited about this season.

Since the weather has been perfection around here lately, we're spending lots of time outside.

The kids had Golden Knights Day at school, so I had to get a picture of them all dressed in their favorite shirts.

Our neighbor had the same idea and texted me this one, too.

Brother slept with his hands over his face. He always has a burp cloth under his head, because he likes to spit up at night time, and I got tired of washing his DockATot cover every other day.

We went to the girls' soccer practice, and Perry had fun playing with her friend, Charlee.

We also got another gorgeous sunset. I love this time of year!

Daddy let Baby Bro try out his plum at lunch time on Thursday. He didn't know what to think but kept going back for more.

He slept in his rocker after lunch and kept whimpering like a puppy. He must've been having a bad dream.

He slept in his Zipadee Zip that night. I get nervous with his swaddle blankets because he loves to have his hand by his face, and he seems to sleep really well in this thing.

Jen texted me these pictures, because Perry and Acelyn were super excited to be shoe twins when she dropped Acelyn off at school. They're the cutest.

Bro Bro napped at work again.

We took the kids to the homecoming game Friday night at Foothill. It was so much fun to show off our old stomping grounds, and surprisingly, the kids were pretty in to it. Perry kept asking for the big bird, so we got a picture with him before the game. Then, she got to hug him when we were leaving, which totally made her night. The girls ate Raising Canes, Brother napped, and we all cheered the Falcons on to a victory over Basic.

Saturday morning, Perry helped Daddy make everybody breakfast.

We headed to soccer and Perry practiced kicking the ball around with Char's team. We're hoping she'll be really good at it, since she's been around it so much.

Charley scored a goal, and my superior video skills caught it just in time.

Char and Maddie played together during Grace's game.

Gracie had a good stop and then sent the ball back down field to her teammates. She also had a goal this day, but I didn't get it on video. 

The kids played outside when we got home, and Bro Bro enjoyed the fresh air and watching his sisters run around.

Char found a wasp nest in one of our bushes, but luckily, they were all moved out.

Perry was being goofy and kept wanting to sit by Brother.

Sunday, we went to Elijah and Ashley's baby shower where the kids drank apple juice out of bottles, and Baby Isaac hung out with Papa Isaac. I finally got a picture of the three of them all together before Brother fell asleep. We all had a lot of fun, and we're so excited to meet baby Elijah in a couple of months.

Gracie went to Bryce's birthday party where she had a blast bowling with her girlfriends.

What a fun week!

See ya next time!

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