Our Favorite Fall Tradition

One of our favorite fall traditions is our day trip to Staheli Farm in Utah.

It's always during soccer season, so we find a Saturday when the girls have early games and drive up afterwards. This year, we got Zac and Stef to join the rest of our group. The girls were so excited to spend the day with Presley and Paxton at one of their favorite places.

We got there in the early afternoon, and the weather was beautiful. It's always hit or miss with it being hot or cold, but we lucked out this year.

The kids ran straight for the corn slides, and jumped right in.

Brother wasn't the biggest fan. Probably due to this corn kernel that we found lodged in between his toes afterwards.

Perry, on the other hand, loved it.

The big girls played in the club house, while the little ones slid into the piles of corn over and over again.

We spotted Wickadee Witch and her friends singing on the stage, so the kids went over to watch her for a bit. 

We had to stop for a photo op at the giant chair on our way to our next activity. 

The kids rode the tire swings around, and Grace and Presley pulled them to help them go faster.

Next, we walked by the animals, and Gracie loved the big pig. There was one goat that kept yelling at us, and the kids thought he was hilarious.

We made our way to the Jumping Pillow where the kids played tag. They ran and fell all over the place, laughing the whole time.

We got a group shot of all the kids that came with us this year. They're all so cute! I love that the group gets bigger and bigger every year.

Next up was the corn maze, so we took a hay ride across the street. We walked through the maze, got a little lost, and finally found the flag.

After the maze, the kids had some rubber duck races back on the farm.

They swung from ropes and jumped across the hay bales.

Perry and Pax played on the seesaw.

Presley and Charley practiced their cow milking skills.

Bro Bro was such a good boy all day. He snuggled with everyone and then hung out in his wagon with his toys, while we walked around.

We ran in to Wickadee Witch at the ticket booth, so Char got a picture with her.

Presley and Paxton walked up just in time to say hello.

We went mining for precious gems. This is always one of my kids' favorite parts, and I'm always find these "gems" around my house for weeks afterwards.

Char and Grace shot some paint balls and did pretty good aiming at the targets.

We made our way to the pumkin patch, and Brother really wanted to eat him some pumpkin.

The kids had fun picking out pumpkins and seeing who could lift the biggest one.

At one point, I couldn't see Perry. I started looking around for her, and she had gone over to the big dirt slides. This kid spent the next hour going down these slides until it was dark.

Meanwhile, Brother napped away in his wagon.

Somehow, Isaac and Nick convinced Char and Easton to go to the Field of Screams with them. It's basically a really long haunted house, and Charley was traumatized afterwards. I bet she won't be going in it next year.

We had such a fun day, and the farm never disappoints. I'm so glad we were able to spend it with our friends and that Zac and Stefanie were able to make it this year. The kids love all of the different things there are to do and always say how great the day was on the drive home. They also all fall asleep, so we get a quiet couple of hours. I already can't wait to go next year when Brother is walking and joining in on the fun!

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