Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Soccer Saturday

Brother watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at work on Monday. He even sat himself up in his rocker like a big boy.

Charley took this cute picture of him while we were driving home from school.

Perry had dance class, and her chunky little legs looked adorable in her tights.

Bro Bro tried sweet potatoes and didn't hate them. He didn't love them either and kept making faces. I think it's the texture of pureed baby food that gets him. He just doesn't like the mush. We'll probably try more of a baby led weaning approach minus anything that I'm too afraid will choke him.

He played with his new bee toy and really likes it.

Perry played with face filters on Snap Chat and had me dying with this video. She's too much!

Bro Bro snuggled with me on the couch. 

We went to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's house where Presley held Brother and loved on him.

We played with more face filters, and Isaac and I couldn't stop laughing.

Brother laughed at his silly sisters.

Perry and Acelyn were shoe twins again for picture day. I love that they get so excited when they show up to school matching.

We went to the girls' soccer practices, and Bro Bro fell asleep when we were almost done. He's such a trooper.

Hr broke out in this weird rash on his back. It was like random red patches of dry skin. Luckily, we used some Aveeno Eczema creams, and it went away quickly.

He was still his happy little self at work on Friday.

We played outside with the neighbors before getting ready to head to the girls' harvest festival at school.

We met up with some friends, and the kids had a blast running amok, dancing, playing games, and eating pizza.

They both had soccer games Saturday morning, and these silly girls wanted their picture taken by all of the boulders we passed on the way to the restroom.

After their games, we drove to Utah for our annual fall day at Staheli Farm and had so much fun.

Sunday was full of naps and football, and Ryan Tannehill officially took over as the starting quarterback for the Titans. They won, so it was a pretty great Sunday.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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