Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Grace's 2019 Soccer Picture

Monday started with Brother's typical nap at the office.

He was so happy, and I even got some excited squeals out of him.

People posted our nourishing baby picture on their Instagram. So cool!

Perry had dance class, and always looks so cute. You can frequently find Grace, Charley, and me watching her through the window and giggling at her excitement.

I came across this, and it really put Jeff Bezos' fortune in to perspective for me.

Still number one in my Fantasy Football league. Whoop whoop!

Brother napped at work some more.

He loves to watch his big sisters, and Perry loves when he smiles at her. She'll do the same thing over and over again, until he's over it.

She is super ticklish, and I love her deep belly laughs.

We stopped by the Hall's house to meet Baby Addy, and she was so tiny and sweet. Congrats, Alex and Allison! She's perfect, and we love her already!!

We stopped by Wahoo's for dinner, where Daddy fed Brother some rice for the first time (and kissed him in between bites - that's my favorite part. There is just something about this kid where you can't stop kissing him!).

Daddy and Perry fell asleep all snuggled up on the chair in the living room.

The girls had soccer practice, as usual. Grace's team took pictures, and they turned out so cute!

Brother hung out on a blanket eating his toes, while we watched sisters practice their soccer skills. I even got some good laughs out of him.

Perry took breaks from playing with little Charlee to chat with Bro.

He napped some more on Thursday.

Char hung out with him while Gracie had a check up at the orthodontist.

He tried oat cereal for the first time, and he was not the biggest fan. It was just the tiniest bit mixed with breastmilk.

We finally got our Halloween decorations put out. It's Daddy's favorite holiday, so he always spends a lot of time getting the house as scary as he can.

Brother has two tiny teeth coming in on the bottom. You can see them through his gum, but they haven't come through just yet.

Maria Shriver posted the nourishing baby picture on her Instagram. Say what?!

Char's team warmed up before their game on Saturday. They won again, keeping their undefeated streak alive.

We went to Metro Pizza with Poppa and Gran after Grace and Char's soccer games, and Brother gnawed on some pizza crust.

We met Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig at Downtown Summerlin for their nightly Halloween Parade, and it was pretty cool. Besides Presley being scared to death, the kids had so much fun dancing in the street and trying to get high fives from every character.

We went to Brielle's birthday party at the Green Valley Ranch pool on Sunday. Brother looked so adorable in his Captain America outfit.

The girls swam the day away, while Brother gnawed on carrot sticks.

He really wanted this cheeseburger, though.

Daddy had him working on his standing skills until he fell and hit his mouth. I had to leave the room, because I couldn't stand the thought of him being hurt. My poor baby!

After reading Perry a book, she tried to read it back to me and had me cracking up at her memory of the story. "Have you seen my mama? Nope."

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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