Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Traditional 'Baby in a Pumpkin' Picture

Bro Bro got his first two teeth!

He continued to sleep in his DockATot in our bed and always in his Zipadee Zip.

He napped at work. I always have to keep a burp cloth under his head, because he spits up a lot.

He squealed and hung out in his bouncer after nap time.

We played outside, and Bro enjoyed hanging in the stroller, while sisters rode their bikes.

Uncle Dan, Auntie Andrea, and Piper came to visit from Ohio, so we had to get a picture of the babies together.

Brother was all smiles at work on Wednesday.

Perry helped feed him bananas, but then he wanted to hold them on his own.

Isaac has been going to Reno every Thursday to help jump start our new division, and we officially got our first office up there.

We met the family at the pumpkin patch after work Thursday, and the kids had so much fun. I love fall because there are always so many fun things to do with the kids. We go to this pumpkin patch every year along with Staheli Farm, and we always have a blast (and spend way too much money on tickets).

Daddy hung out with Bro Bro at work on Friday so I could get on a conference call.

We went to my mom's after work to help watch Piper, while Dan and Andrea had fun at the Knights game.

Bro Bro fell asleep, and I soaked up the snuggles.

I made this side by side of Me, Brother, and Isaac as babies. Isaac always says the baby looks like me, and I can never see it, but I actually see the resemblance here.

Saturday, we had a little Sip and See for Alex and Allison's new baby, Adalynn. We are so excited for them to have another girl, because sisters are the best! We enjoyed hanging out with everyone, and it was the most gorgeous day to do it outside.

That night, we went to Papa Rick and Grammy's to carve pumpkins with the family. The kids painted pumpkins first, while we got everything ready to carve.

Once we were ready to go, they dug right in and had fun playing with the guts. We all carved our designs, and then took our annual photo of them all lit up.

Bubba was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes open since it was way past his bedtime.

We went back over Sunday morning to spend some more time with the Swiatek's before they had to go back to Ohio. The babies napped, and then we took the traditional baby in a pumpkin picture.

He was not a happy camper, but it was worth it.

We've done this with all four of our babies, and I love all of these pictures so much.

We had a crazy busy week, but it was so nice to spend lots of time with the family.

See ya next week for Halloween!

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