Three More Days!!

Today is Grace's Due Date!!

I had my weekly doctor's appointment on Wednesday, and Dr. Tyre said I was still only dialated about 2 cm.  This was realllly discouraging since we've been trying anything and EVERYTHING to make the labor progress quicker. The baby was still VERY high, and even though we had an ultrasound the week before to make sure baby was head down, she still was unable to tell that her head was definitely what she was feeling.

When Isaac and I were at the ultrasound the week before, the technician seemed pretty young and must've been new. When you have an ultrasound, they measure the baby's head, leg bones, and tummy to get an idea of the weight and length of the baby. Usually they take the circumference of the head and tummy once, but this technician must have redone her measurements three or four times. The first couple of times it kept telling us that our due date would be a week earlier than what we were expecting. The girl told us that she needed a better angle and changed the measurement to show Grace's size was exactly where it was supposed to be, and our due date would indeed be June 11.  Isaac and I both think she was just trying to make it look like she could do her job very well instead of getting accurate measurements. Especially since we had been told all throughout the pregnancy that Grace was about a week ahead of schedule. this exam with Dr. Tyre, she mentioned that it was a "weird" exam, and I started to get freaked out. She scheduled me for another ultrasound with the specialist this morning so we could get a better look at things. When I woke up today, I was excited but nervous at the same time because I was hoping they would tell me we could have the baby RIGHT THEN! That obviously didn't happen. Instead, they took MORE measurements and determined that Grace was about 9 pounds 7 ounces and was unable to drop because: a) she either couldn't fit through my pelvis due to her size or b) the shape of her head may not match correctly with the shape of my pelvis. Apparently, your shoe size has something to do with the opening in your pelvis, and I wore a 6.5 before the pregnancy (I couldn't tell you what I wear now because my feet don't fit into ANY shoes)!

The specialist called my doctor and after a lot of discussion between her, my mom, Isaac, and I, we determined that it would be safest for me and the baby to schedule a cesarean ASAP. My doctor is all booked up for the weekend so we scheduled it for Monday, June 14, 2010 at 7:30 am.  That means we will have our little girl in our arms in just THREE MORE DAYS!!!

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