One Month Old

This week, we took Grace to her one month wellness check-up at Dr. Vu's office. It was very obvious to us that she is growing up way too fast. Dr. Vu told us that at 2 months old she would be able to:

  • Smile when excited

  • Hold her head up about 45 degrees during "tummy time"

  • Start making cooing noises

  • Roll onto her side
Dr. Vu was pretty impressed when we told him that she was already doing all of this stuff. Right on cue, Gracie started smiling and cooing for him. It was so adorable.

Grace now weighs 10 pounds, 2 ounces. She is 21 and 3/4 inches long. Both of these statistics are in the 75th percentile, so her doctor thinks she is going to be tall. Grace also had to get her second PKU test and her second shot. This was the first time that I had to be with her when getting stuck with a needle. I was really nervous, but Grace acted like a pro. When they started, she would let out a little scream and then suck on her binky really hard. It definitly was not as bad as I thought it would be.

Here are a few pictures of her at one month old:

Snuggling with Daddy in the morning 

Izzie still isn't too sure about her 

Kicking away

Hanging out in the dryer

Drooling after dinner

This month has gone by WAYYYYY too fast! I can't believe it. It seems like we were just heading to the hospital to meet her yesterday. She has been such a blessing for us, and is the best baby ever! She sleeps all night long besides waking up to eat and then goes right back to sleep. Everyday she does something to amaze us and make us love her more and more!

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