This Week...

...Gracie played in the car on the way to Johnny Macs for dinner.

...after we watched Elisha's tennis match and Elijah's football game, Grace played on the counter with daddy and teddy in this adorable little outfit. I think it makes her look like a little old lady!

...she enjoyed her bath in the sink. She's starting to get too big for it, so we may have to move up to the baby bath tub soon. Little chunker :) mom/babysitter went out of town on Thursday so my boss/stepdad let me take Friday off of work. It was so nice to be able to wake up and spend the whole day with Grace cuddling in bed.

She giggled,


and chewed on her hands.

...we had some friends over for dinner and Grace decided to start talking! You can't tell what she's saying just yet, but she sure does love to listen to herself gurgle!

...Saturday we went to tailgate at the UNLV vs. New Mexico football game.  Grace got all dressed up in her Rebel Red.

When we got to the field, Grace walked around for a bit checking things out.

We hung out in the shade while daddy grilled us up some hotdogs and brats for lunch!

When it started getting really hot, we took Grace's clothes off and let her enjoy the few breezes we had that day.

It was fun, but it was way too hot to stay outside. Especially when the Rebs haven't even won a game this season (that day was their first big W).  Maybe next season when Grace is able to run around and play she'll enjoy it more, and maybe UNLV will have a better season after the new coach gets all of his policies and recruits in place!

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