Cupcakes and a Quarter

Grace face has already gone through a quarter of her third year:

She is now two AND A QUARTER!

I can't even begin to tell you about the personality on this girl.

She's so funny, loves to imitate everyone, and has major attitude. She's very sweet but definitely has her "two-year-old moments".

Grace can say anything now. Even things we don't particularly want her to say.
(For example: she's been watching me breastfeed Charley every day and decided to point out to all of us girls how we had boobs during a recent pool day. Don't worry though, she told the boys they had boobs, too.)

I realllly need to start keeping a journal of funny things that she says. She always tells me, "I need to do somefing. I be wight back." She also says "Oh my goodnessssss" quite often. Daddy's favorite is when she tells him, "Do it, OK? Or I spank yo butt!"

She loves having her nails painted and calls all of them toenails. She's always telling me, "I hafta paint my toenayows."

She also loves popsicles and will suddenly say, "Oh! I need a pockable."

She's a total Momma's girl and would love nothing more than to snuggle up next to me and sit there forever. I absolutely love it most of the time.

She still loves movies. We watch them each night before bed, and lately, she's so into My Girl and Pocahontas.

She's slowly growing out of size 2T, so I've been buying her fall/winter clothes in 3T.

She wears size 7 in shoes.

She weighs about 29.5 pounds.

Grace loves carrots, macaroni and cheese, and chicken.

Her favorite colors are blue and green.

She's obsessed with shoes.

She knows her ABC's, can count to 15, and knows most of her colors.

She loves to dance and breaks out into song randomly.

She's been in swim lessons for a couple of months and is doing really well.

She loves going to school because she gets to paint a lot.

Playing with Noah and Easton is one of her favorite things ever. I consistenly lie fib a little, and tell her they are sleeping when they're not outside.

Her hair is SO long and still curly. People always ask if I put her hair in curlers.
(Do they really think I have time to curl my two year old's hair?)

Grace loves taking care of baby sister and helps change her, feed her, and hold her. She even sings her songs when she cries.

She's also a big helper all over the house when she's not destroying it. She likes to help with laundry, dishes, and dusting constantly emptying boxes of wipes to wipe down tables, floors, and people because, "I hafta keen it!"

This week, we made cupcakes together:

My beautiful baby girl is growing up so quickly. She's super smart already, and I can't even imagine how much more she'll learn over the next couple of months! My life has changed so much since she came into it, and I have loved every second. I'm so thankful for my wonderful daughter that brightens each and every day. Thanks for being such a cheerful, happy, funny little ray of sunshine, Gracie!
P.S. Now that she's reached most of her major milestones (besides starting school and driving...eeek!), she only gets milestone updates every few months.

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