Last Week...

...Monday, Perry played inside the ottoman and worked on pulling herself up to stand. She was clearly more interested in chewing on the sides. This is probably my favorite piece of furniture we own. We've had it since before Grace was born, and it has held all of her things in every stage from baby toys and blankets, to big kid microphones and puzzles, to her current homework supplies. All three of my girls learned to pull themselves up on it and have learned to walk around it's rounded, leather edges. I never had to worry about them hurting themselves if they fell, and they love to stand on the top when the lids are in place, while they sing and dance to their favorite songs. It's made us a lot of memories, that's for sure.

...she snuggled with her blanky at the office.

...she decided to learn how to crawl, too, which seemed crazy to me until I watched a video of Charley at this same age doing the exact same thing. She'll go from sitting up to all fours and back again, but she hasn't started the actual movement yet. It's obviously coming soon.

...she comped on some of her favorite teething toys, while kicking back on her Boppy.

...she snacked on some Twizzlers.

...Perry really enjoys watching herself, and selfie videos are definitely a favorite.

...Wednesday, we were heading up to the cabin midday, so the girls all joined us at the office. Daddy let Perry taste a sucker, and she wouldn't give it back.

...they watched Secret Life of Pets together, while they waited for us to get our work finished.

...they brought a bag of coloring supplies, which included some of their crafts from school the previous week.

...we finally made it out of the office and drove up to Utah. I wasn't really prepared for snow, since there was none the week before. As we started up the mountain, it was cold and so beautiful.

...we had dinner, drank some wine, and went to bed early that night after Perry had her sweet potatoes and apricots.

...we spent Thanksgiving Thursday cooking and being so thankful for our wonderful family.

...Friday morning, we woke up and let the babies play on the floor. Perry was so funny grabbing Kait's overalls and pulling her around, while us grown-ups watched The Shallows.

...we went next door to visit with Zac and Stef who were staying in that cabin with Stef's family. The girls had a blast sledding down the little hill.

...we went inside, and the kids all made the sweetest gingerbread houses. Charley was so happy to spend some time with Presley.

...when they were all done, we headed back to our cabin to help finish up dinner. The girls and I walked down to the pond, and they had so much fun throwing rocks in it, because it was partially frozen over. They thought it was so fun when the rocks would break the ice and make a big splash.

...back in the warm cabin, we had Mom's traditional turkey with dumplings soup for dinner, and of course, Perry dressed for the occasion. Daddy let her have her first taste of soup, and she loved it.

...after dinner, we hung out on the couch and waited for the Rizzi's to join us for some s'mores by the fire pit.

...Pax loved shoveling snow, while we roasted marshmallows.

...the next morning, Perry played, while we packed up all of our stuff.

...Grammy brought some apple sauce pouches, and the girls ate them allll weekend.

...we took one last picture before heading down to Duck Creek, and Charley made it with her "I'm too cold for this" face.

...since she ruined that one, I made her take more.

...we finally made it to Duck Creek where the girls decorated Christmas ornaments and holiday cookies.

...we said goodbye and headed down the mountain before the big storm moved in.

...on the way home, we stopped in Pintura to visit with Great Grandma Beth and Great Aunt Jessie was there, too. The girls loved Grandma's dog, and played with her, while Perry hung out with Grandma.

...we finally made it home, and Clarabelle (the girls' elf) brought them a Little People Nativity Set. Daddy told them the story of Christmas, and they all loved playing with the pieces.

...I was folding laundry around the corner and heard Perry giggling up a storm. I went to see what she was doing and found them all doing this.

...Perry slept so peacefully in her DockATot after her bath that night.

...the next morning, Daddy fed her powdered doughnuts.

...the girls and I baked a lemon dribble cake to thank the Sebastians for checking on Toodles while we were gone.

...I napped with the baby, and couldn't stop snuggling her. It's like I can't get close enough. I just love this little bear so much.

...we got our family pictures back, and I loved going through them all to pick my favorites. I loved a new one each time I looked through them!

...Clarabelle delivered a gingerbread house that morning, and the girls had a blast decorating it and did a pretty good job! Grace was all about following the picture on the box, while Charley just wanted to fit as much candy on it as possible.

...they wore their Christmas jammies while we watched Home Alone together that night.

We are having so much fun with our holiday traditions, so far. I can't wait to do more of them in the coming weeks.

See you next time!

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