Last Week...

...Perry was supposed to start day care, but she came down with a cold on Sunday. Since she wasn't feeling very well, I decided to keep her at work for another week. She snacked on waffle wheels - her favorite snack, while playing in her pack 'n play. home that evening, she continued to pull herself up on the ottoman. Whenever we say/sing "big girl" to her, she gets so happy and proud of herself.

...we decided to try and cook at home every night during the week this year, so we found some new recipes to try out. This one was Giant Turkey Meatball Parmesan, and it was delicious! Even the girls ate it and asked for seconds.

...after baths, they wore their new Trolls pajamas and looked adorable.

...then it was time for Perry's bath. This little octopus has been her favorite bath toy forever, and she loves to chew on its legs.

...she napped all day at work the next day. Poor kiddo was choking down Benadryl morning and night this week, and she hated it. She's the hardest to give medicine to out of all three of my girls, but she was so congested that she really needed it.

...Charley cheered her up by making a tent and playing with her in it. Perry thinks it's so funny when they do this, and you'll hear the biggest giggles coming from her as she loves on her big sisters.

...she worked really hard on crawling but doing it in a dress isn't the easiest. She's such a doll. I can't get enough of her.

...she still likes to be swaddled after her bath and falls asleep right when we sit in the rocking chair. Although she's not the best at taking medicine, she's definitely the easiest to put to bed every night.

...she napped away at work again, even falling asleep sitting up in my arms.

...I transferred her to the rocker, and she didn't make a peep.

...she was all smiles after a morning of napping, though. Her little smile with those bottom teeth kills me.

...Isaac got home before me and went to get Grace after school. When I got home, the Sebastian boys were at the house eating all kinds of snacks and watching The BFG with the girls. Their friendship is the sweetest.

...Perry ate bananas with Cheerios crushed on top and loved them.

...the girls all played together while I did the dishes after dinner. It's so fun to see Perry really start to interact and play with Grace and Char.

...the next morning, I got Perry dressed, and she decided to use the wall to stand. Then she let go and just stood there like such a big girl.

...she hit the eight month mark along with her new milestones of standing on her own and crawling this week.

...Papa Rick put her in the diaper bag at work, and she just sat back and hung out in there.

...Char rode her bike with Gracie with no training wheels and is becoming such a pro at it.

...we had potstickers with honey chicken and rice for dinner, and it was delicious. I also made Skillet Chicken Cordon Bleu this week, and it was Grace's favorite.

...we spent the entire day Saturday cleaning, reorganizing, trashing, and donating bags and bags full of junk from the girls' playroom. It's so clean and beautiful now that I don't even want to let them play in there. Of course that's all they want to do now. While they colored upstairs, Perry decided to master crawling to get to her blanky.

...Perry napped in her DockATot, which now resides in her pack 'n play. We brought it home from work, since she won't be going there anymore. Her old DockATot is in our bed, where she sleeps at night, and her new, bigger one fits perfectly in the pack 'n play where she takes her naps. 

...Sunday morning, Perry was all smiles.

...we celebrated Christmas with Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig that morning, since they were in St. Louis for the holidays. Of course as soon as everyone started arriving, it was Perry's nap time. She napped in her pack n play, while the rest of us ate a yummy brunch.

...when she woke up, we opened presents, and the kiddos had a blast playing with all of their new toys (and each other). one point, Paxton came up to me and wanted me to pick him up. I did, and then he directed me to the kitchen where he wanted the lemons off the counter. Who am I to tell this cutie no?

...after everyone left, we hung around the house relaxing and watching the girls play together. Perry just loves her Gracie. Just look at that grin.

Next week she starts day care, and mama is super nervous. Aside from the fact that she hasn't taken a bottle in months, I haven't been without her in eight months either! Here's to hoping it won't be too hard on either of us.

See you next week!

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