Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Easter's on it's Way

Monday after bath time, we hung out on the couch and read books, while Grace and Char did homework. Perry read a book about colors and thought every baby was "baby Ava".

Tuesday, we waited in the car for Grace and Char to get back from school, and Perry had a blast eating jelly beans and playing with the girls' Shopkins.

We went to soccer practice, and it was sunny and 75. Then, some random clouds rolled in and cooled it down real quick.

Char still wanted to ride her bike after practice, though.

Gracie practiced her cheers some more, and Perry practically knows them all. It was so cute to watch her doing each one with her big sis.

Perry fell asleep snuggled on my chest, and I let her stay there for a couple of hours. 

Gracie was supposed to have her cheer performance before school on Thursday, so I took the morning off of work to go. Of course it randomly started raining right before school started, and they had to cancel it and move it to Friday.

The girls had gymnastics that afternoon and worked on tumbling and the trampoline.

Char brought home this paper describing her teacher: blue eyes, blonde hair, tall, and blue leggings.

Luckily, I have the best boss, so I was able to take the morning off on Friday again to watch Gracie. She was so in her element, smiling and doing every move. I was so proud of her, and now she won't stop talking about trying out for the cheer team in August. Yay!! I knew I'd get at least one of them to follow in my footsteps.

Since Saturday was St. Patrick's Day, Char's class colored foam "hats" and left them for the leprechaun on Thursday afternoon. He shrunk them all down to his size before they came back to school the next morning. She kept telling me about these hats, and I couldn't figure out what she was talking about until I saw her teacher's post that night. It was the cutest.

The girls brought home all sorts of fun St. Patrick's Day stuff from school. My favorite is where Char feels lucky when she gets to play with Perry.

We met some family at Metro Pizza for dinner on Friday, and Perry ate her weight in pepperoni pizza.

Saturday morning was our annual St. Patrick's Day parade. We all got dressed up in our best green gear and headed down to Water Street with our besties. Perry and Amelia were the cutest playing together. Amelia kept tickling Perry and asking her "do you like it?" while putting her arms around her and watching the parade floats pass by. It was too much.

The Keltons arrived, and everyone cuddled up under the big blanket, while we waited for the parade to start.

It was finally time for it to begin, and Nolan was super stoked when he saw the big fire engine coming first.

Acelyn didn't really care. She's my spirit animal.

These two continued their love fest as we watched all of the floats go by. Perry loved the bagpipes and kept saying "horses coming" after horses passed us.

Back at home, I tried to get Perry to take a nap, but she just wanted to play "where's my hand?".

Since she didn't nap, she was really tired as we drove to the girls' soccer games. That didn't keep her from snacking on some beef jerky, though.

Since we got to the soccer field a little early, the girls played at the park before we headed over.

Char's game was pretty late, which made for an awesome view against the sunset.

All of the Espejo cousins came to watch, so we had to snap some pictures. They were all having a sleep over at Grandpa and Grandma's, but we decided to keep Perry with us since she didn't nap and passed out on the way home. We put her in bed, and she didn't wake up until Sunday morning.

We went to the Coffee Cup for breakfast and played at the park, which is actually pretty boring and quiet without Grace and Char in the mix.

Perr was still sleepy, so she grabbed a handful of blankets and a "quishee", climbed up on the couch, and passed out all on her own.

We were happy to get big sisters back, and I took all of the girls to get some pictures with baby ducks, since Easter is around the corner. They were SO cute, and the girls had the best time playing with them, except for Perry. She was terrified.

Felicia had to photoshop the ducks in to these pics. This one was so cute as she checked the box to make sure the ducks weren't next to her.

That night, she sang Five Little Monkies before bed, and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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