Beer Walk Oh-10

This weekend we went to the Beer Walk at Lake Las Vegas. This is one of our favorite events to go to because it's so beautiful there, and it's such a nice break away from the city. They have one of these beer festivals every six months or so, and we've been to the past three in a row. Tons of beer vendors set up booths and give samples of a couple of their beers. This year they had 90 different beers...pretty impressive! We met up with our best friends and headed down there.

The weather was beautiful! It was the perfect day to spend outside.

The guys bought their miniature beer mugs and the fun began.

Us girls posed for some pics by the lake:

Gracie had a great time, too! We even got a few smiles from her:

She's getting realllly good at finding her thumb. I'm trying to get her to give it up, but she's been sucking on it since our first ultrasound!

It got pretty cold when the sun started to go down, so we had to bundle her up.

We had a really great time with our best friends and got to enjoy some gorgeous weather. It was a great way to spend our Saturday.

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