This Week...

...Grace got some cute new winter gear from Grammy.

...we got a Baby Bjorn so Grace can help me cook, clean, do laundry, etc. Sometimes she just gets in these moods where she has to be held. This has been a life saver. She'll just fall asleep hanging there, and then I can actually get something done.

...Grace stared up at Daddy while he talked to her. She loves him ♥

...we went to the mall and they just happened to be having a 40% off sale at Baby Gap! Grace got anything  and everything she wanted (including these awesome boots)!!

...Gracie wore her outfit that Kelli and Eddie got her last Christmas while we watched football.

...she splashed around in the bath. We started giving her one every night before bed, and it really knocks her out. After we lotion her up and put her jammies on, she just falls right to sleep.

...Grace can stand and hold herself up on things. We keep all of her toys in the ottoman in the living room, so she likes to stand there and look at them.

...Grace decided to start sitting up all on her own!! girls had a girls night out and went to see the Rebs beat Wisconsin.

...Daddy and Grace watched tv in their hoodies.

...Kasie and I made some white fish with grilled veggies for our weekly Friday night dinner.

Next week we're heading up to the cabin for Thanksgiving! Can't wait :)

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