R.I.P. Isabel

Isabel (Izzie B) Espejo

06-02-09 to 11-10-10

We lost our sweet little baby Isabel this week to a tragic car accident.  She slipped out the front door and in a split second she was gone. We were so unprepared for this and can't believe we'll never get to kiss her precious face again. She was the best puppy ever, had the biggest personality of any dog I've ever met, and wanted to be friends with everyone. She will so sadly missed by us all :(

The first night we got Isabel.

Our wedding day.

Christmas 2009

January 2010

March 2010

Hanging with the girls at Kelli's bridal shower.

Meeting Grace for the first time.

Summer 2010

Playing with Grace in July

Hanging out in the backyard 4 weeks ago.

Helping Grace do tummy time 2 weeks ago

Napping together last week.

This is the last picture we took of her. We always pictured Grace chasing her around the house when she got older. Izzie was supposed to be her best friend, and we always imagined them growing up together. Our poor puppy is now in a better place watching over us. We will miss her forever!!

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