Charley in Wonderland

When I was pregnant with Grace, my mom threw me an amazing baby shower. We had a barbecue with all of our closest friends and family, and Grace was spoiled rotten with tons of baby gear.

Now that baby Charley is on the way, my mom found a way to out-do herself:

We were debating on whether or not to even have any sort of baby shower this time around. I'm having another girl and already have tons of pink stuff everywhere in my house. I probably have enough toys for twelve kids to be satisfied, clothes for another dozen (most of Grace's were barely worn once), and bottles and baby gear to last me two or three more kids.

In the end, we decided that we should do something to celebrate the little stinker since Grace's was such a big deal.

Instead of a normal shower where we hang out, eat, and open gifts, my mom came up with the idea to have the shower at a pottery place and have everyone paint pieces to a tea set. How perfect that my two girls would have a tea set hand-made by our favorite people?!

I absolutely loved the idea, so mom and I put together a small guest list and she went to town with an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme.

The shower turned out to be so special!!

Mom made all kinds of appetizer type snacks and had the cutest decorations:

Her and my sister Geni even hand-made some pretty adorable prizes:

My friend, Kelli, made some super cute rice krispy treats and bought some 'Alice in Wonderland' themed cupcakes:

(sooo cute!!)

Once everyone started arriving, we all chose different pieces of two tea sets:

We also got to choose whichever colors we wanted, and then the fun began.

Since it was an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme, my mom had this great idea to have everyone wear hats. The best and most creative won a prize:

Obviously, it was Kim. Her little green hat was the cutest thing ever!

Once we were all finished painting, everyone signed the bottom of their pieces so that Grace and Charley would always knew who made which ones:

Isaac stopped by with Grace so she could say "hi":

He was just in time to help me open some gifts.

Grace was definitely impressed with some of them:

She even made sure to walk around showing them all off:

(Future Vanna White?)

Isaac also got to get a group shot of us all. I love each of these girls for so many different reasons. They are all so special to our family:

A special thanks to my mom and sister for spending countless weeks and nights making everything and getting it all ready for such a fun event. I'm definitely blessed to have the best Mommy in the world:

We got a ton of adorable outfits, diapers, wipes, baby bath supplies, our new double stroller, and blankets. I cannot wait for little Charley to get here! I was pretty scared a few weeks ago. I mean, I'm pretty sure having two kids is going to be totallllly different then having just one. As the days go by, I am starting to get more and more excited! I can't wait to hold her little swaddled baby butt as she sleeps, or to have Grace give her kisses. I'm even more excited for the day Charley can play with Grace and they can entertain each other. I sure hope they are the best of friends:

Update: After about a week, I got to go pick up the finished pieces of the tea sets (minus a couple of items that we're saving for hand/foot prints after baby girl is born). All I have to say is CUTEST.THING.EVER.:

The girls won't be getting their little hands on these for a few years. I want them to last forever!!

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