A Few More Weeks

I'm sure by now, you all know who Kasie is (she's in lots of my prior posts). She's one of my bestest friends and one of the sweetest, most beautiful, happy, fun-loving people that I've ever met.

Since her wedding is coming up soon, us girls all gathered together to celebrate at her bridal shower.

Bethany, Kasie's Made of Honor and another super funny, gorgeous friend of mine from high school/middle school, did an amazing job hosting the shower:

 She had some of the cutest decorations ever. She did a little country theme, and it was perfect.

Check out the uber cute set up:

As the shower got rolling, everyone hung out, ate, and chatted:

Then the games began.

The best one by far was "How Well Do You Know the Groom?"

We even got this great video of Kasie being grilled by Bethany:

There were a lot more fun questions, but they weren't really blog appropriate.

After the game, it was time for Kasie to open all of her gifts.

She got some pretty cool kitchen gadgets:

This makes me super excited because for our Friday night dinners we alternate between her house and ours. I can't wait to cook up some fancy dinners with her new stuff!

Kasie also got some gorgeous lingerie:

Molly had the cutest idea ever and sent Kasie pictures of her and Jeremy's parents on their own wedding days in frames with the dates on them. She also sent Kasie a frame with her wedding date for a photo of Jeremy and her on their big day.

Since Molly lives in Ohio and will be here soon for the wedding (YAYY!!), she attended the shower via Facetime to watch Kasie open her gifts:

Way to outdo the rest of us Mols!

My most favorite of all was the big box from Kasie's mom. We were all convinced there was a person inside that was bound to jump out at any second:

When Kase opened the box, balloons rose, and she found a picture of the exact spot where Jeremy proposed to her. How beautiful is this:

While Kasie was opening her gifts, I worked super hard on her rehearsal bouquet, so she had to pose for a picture with it:

Afterwards, all of the girls got on the trampoline to try to get a good group shot. It didn't work out so well (I avoided this one...didn't want baby Charley to fall out!):

So we took one on solid ground instead:

I can't wait for the Unertl wedding. It's 11 days after baby Charley is born, so I'm going to be working it real hard to be ready to walk down the aisle by then. They are such special friends of ours, and Isaac and I are both thrilled to be a part of their special day. Grace is even going to be their flower girl. That should be interesting. We really need to start practicing her walk down the aisle!

I'm so excited that Kasie and Jeremy are finally getting married!

Only a few more weeks and she'll officially be Kasie Marie Unertl!!

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