Dancing and "Dutts"

FYI: It's hard to keep up on a blog when you're prego. The first trimester, I got realllly behind. Now that I'm in the third trimester, I'm super exhausted and have no energy at all. Please bare with me as I try to keep up.

Every year in March (and again in November) we meet all of our friends down at Lake Las Vegas for the "Beer Walk". It's a blast every time, so we always look forward to it:

Grace has been four times now.

1 - My first prego beer walk where I enjoyed an ice cream cone instead of beer.

2 - Grace's first actual beer walk:

3 - Her first spring time beer walk:

4 - This past week's beer walk:

I love that she likes to have fun with all of our friends. Ever since she was born we've gotten comments like, "I can't believe you guys take her so many places!"

I think a lot of new parents are afraid of baby doing new things, but Isaac and I have always said that instead of stopping our lives for a baby, we'd have him or her join right in.

Since we've literally been taking her everywhere since she's been born, Grace has always been really good about being in all kinds of different places. She's easy to take out to eat, loves shopping, and enjoys anything having to do with people. She'll talk to anyone that'll listen...even if they can't understand her.

Since Saturday was supposed to be warm and sunny, we were super excited for the Beer Walk this year.

We met up with our friends around one o'clock and didn't go home until late in the evening.

On the way down to Lake Las Vegas, Isaac had to stop at Target to get a new beer shirt. He insisted that it was tradition. Of course you can't go somewhere without getting Grace something. She picked up a whole book of Easter stickers and made sure that each of our friends got one as soon as they arrived to the beer walk:

Afterwards, it was snack time. Passing out stickers is a hard job:

While we were hanging out around the lake, the live band started playing and Grace couldn't get enough. She had to get closer:

Soon she started dancing and even got Frannie to dance with her:

Per tradition, we ate lunch at the Mexican restaurant in the village. It's always delicious.

Grace had lots of chips and salsa:

Then she got a little bored waiting for our food:

So Kasie kept her entertained:

They even had a screaming contest:

Finally, our food came, and we quickly ate our lunch.

Then we headed down by the lake to show Grace the "dutts" (ducks):

It's so much fun having all of our friends together in one place. Especially since it was such a beautiful day:

At the end of our night, we got some yummy frozen yogurt:

And just like that Grace was out. I'm sure I've told you before, but sweets have the opposite effect on Gracie, knocking her out instead of ramping her up:

Luckily, we now have our amazing new stroller. When she gets tired, the seat easily tilts back so she can sleep in comfort.

It's a good thing too, because there was no waking her up even though it was only 5:30. We all hung out around the lake enjoying the night as she slept.

Even when we got home, Isaac carried her into the room, changed her diaper, and put her in bed. She slept until the next morning:

Maybe we should have frozen yogurt every night before bed.

What a fun day! 

It's hard to believe that at the next beer walk, Grace will be two and Charley will already be six months old!

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