Grace's First Day of School

Since Charley will be here in a few short weeks, and Grace is almost two years old, we decided that it was time she started pre-school.

Grace loves playing with other kids, and I think it would benefit her in the long run to learn from others her own age.

We tried this when she was almost a year old, but she wasn't having it.

She will only go on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so it's not a huge adjustment for her.

Still, I was super nervous to see how she'd do since it was such a bad experience the last time.

We spent a few days talking "school" up and telling her how much fun it'd be.

She even got a new Minnie Mouse backpack for the big day.

For her first time, my mom decided that she wanted to take her a few hours later than what would be her normal start time.

This way, she didn't have to spend the full day there while we tried it out.

Grammy got Grace all ready for her big day and made sure to take some pictures:

When they first got to school, Grace wasn't sure what to think.

She made a quick friend in Kenzie:

And loved the pirate ship slide:

She loved playing outside with other kids her age. It was just like going to the park:

Soon it was lunch time, so Grace told Grammy "buh-bye" and let her leave without a single peep:

There are a few things I really like about this school.

1 - It's brand new so everything is fresh and clean.

2 - There are only a few kids in Grace's class, so she gets lots of attention (and trust me, she demands it).

3 - They have live, constant streaming video cameras, so I can check up on her throughout the day to see how she's doing.

Here's a shot of Grace during her very first nap time from the on-line cameras:

When I picked Grace up a few hours later, I asked if she was ready to go. 

Her response was, "no, no". 

She then proceeded to drag me all over the playground showing me all of the cool toys they had.

I had to talk her into leaving by promising her a Slurpee on the way home:

I was so happy that she actually liked school.

I can't wait to see what she learns and how her skills grow as she continues!

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