Last Week...

...we had what should be our last ultrasound for baby Charley. Since everything is looking good, we only have six more doctor's appointments until she's here. At the ultrasound, we got some new pictures of baby girl:

They even got a shot of her little foot giving me a swift kick in the ribs:

...Grace started pre-school.

...I got a quick video of Charley squirming around in my belly:

...we watched the Rebels play in the Big Dance only to get knocked out in the first round. There's always next year, right?:

...Daddy tickled Gracie:

...she got to hang out with her buddy Wrangler at Grammy's on Wednesday:

...Kasie and I made a new dish for our weekly Friday night dinner called Confetti Chicken Pasta. It was sooo good:

...Grace and Daddy read Olivia books:

...we went to the City of Henderson's St. Patrick's Day parade.

...we let Grace have a fudgesicle before bed (hey, it was Saturday):

...we bought groceries and made dinner at home every night. That's a really rare occurrence in our house. We decided that we should probably start doing this every week, because it was really fun to spend quality family time around the dinner table. Grace even started eating all kinds of new foods:

...Grace insisted on taking a bubble bath when she saw Mommy taking one. We had a lots of fun making bubble beards and giving her mohawks:

See ya next week :)

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