Last Week...

...Charley showed off her awesome squeeeaaalll while playing with Mommy:

...she played with Elle the Elephant in her crib:

...Grace dealt with allergies (from that hay throwing we spoke about at the wedding). We had to get her some eye drops from the doctor because she had so much drainage that her tear ducts were getting clogged:

...she read me stories while we waited for Dr. King to see us:

...Charley continued teething. Obviously, Minnie Mouse is her favorite teething toy:

Her toes are her second favorite:

...she snuggled in her swing:

...Grace napped in the car:

...Charley finally liked and ate something besides breastmilk. We tried a different brand of pears (the kind of pouches Grace ate allll the time as a baby - Plum Organics), and she totally loved them:

...little panda bear snuggled in her sleeper (this kid is even more obsessed with blankies than her sister...they definitely inherited that one from me!):

...Charley and I played at work:

...she continued using Minnie as a teether and showed off her new "squish face":

...Grace helped Daddy make breakfast by buttering (and eating) the toast: 

...I asked Grace what Cookie Monster says:

...Isaac and I "worked" at the NHRA races on Saturday.

...Charley snuggled with Mommy after we got home:

...Kasie and Jeremy came with us to my co-worker's Halloween party. They were Wayne and Garth, Isaac was Michael Myers, and I was a member of the SWAT team. We played beer pong, did some shots, and danced our booties off. I was hung over for the next two days. We had SO much fun, but the morning after totally reminded me of the reasons I stay home and do things with my kids on the weekends:

...I caught Grace playing in Charley's bed singing the monkey song she learned at school. She's such a cutie:

...Charley spent a lot of time playing with her play gym. She likes to sit in front of it now that she's a little bigger. Grace loves to sit behind her and help her. If Charley starts crying, Grace says, "I'll be there in a second boo boo. Hang on. Don't cry." It's the cutest thing everrrr:

...Charley chillaxed on the couch while we were getting ready to leave one afternoon:

...she learned to stand while holding the ottoman. This is the same place where Grace learned to stand with support, pull herself up, and start walking. It makes me so sad that Charley is already big enough to start following in her sister's footsteps:

...Grace got some new letter and number books to learn them better. She started learning how to trace the letters this week. I'd say she's pretty good for a first timer:

See ya next week!

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