Staheli Farm

Last year, we went to Staheli Family Farm to get our pumpkins.

We had so much fun, that we've made it an annual tradition and had to go back. Luckily, we were going to be in Utah the weekend before Halloween for a wedding, so it worked out perfectly.

Charley couldn't contain herself on the way there. She was so excited to see some pumpkins:

When we got there, all you could see were cows. Grace was in awe:

We loaded the girls up in the stroller and made our way into the farm:

We headed straight for the rubber duck races. Grace was unsure of them at first, but eventually jumped in to play:

Once she was over the ducks, we went to see the animals. There were chickens, rabbits, a pony, and a donkey:

Then she noticed the petting zoo and had to get inside. We saw goats, lambs, and Grace fell in love with a donkey (sorry kiddo - we are NOT getting one):

Charley waited patiently with Daddy and Aunt Geni while Grace and I played with the animals:

When we finished, we washed our hands in the horse trough. Grace has been obsessed with washing her hands and/or doing dishes lately, so this was so fun for her:

She spotted the "pillow jump" out of the corner of her eye and couldn't wait to get over there. Once she got up close, she was a little scared. She kept running up the side and then running back down to Daddy so he could catch her:

After a little coaxing from Daddy and watching the other kids, she went wild:

She was quickly ready to move on to the next part when Wicka D Witch came to play:

The girls played in a tractor:

Grace made some friends in the Kid's Clubhouse:

Then, since we had to be back in Pintura for the Brusati Wedding, we rode the tractor up to the pumpkin patch to get what we came for:

Once we got up the hill, we climbed hay bales:

Charley picked out a white pumpkin:

Grace found hers and didn't want to let it go:

Isaac was kind of excited about his pumpkin, too:

Once we had them all picked out, we hitched a tractor ride back to our car and headed back to Pintura:

The farm really wore the kids out, because they all fell asleep on the ride back:

There weren't a whole lot of pumpkins to choose from this year thanks to the drought, so we're hoping next year is a little better. Nonetheless, we had a really great day. It was so fun to see Grace able to participate in everything now that she's a little older. She is so interested in seeing new things and has no fear (must have gotten that from Daddy) trying something new. Making memories with my little kiddos has definitely become my most favorite thing to do. I love sharing traditions with them and teaching them about things that I did as a kid. 

Here's to many more fun times to come at Staheli Farm over the years.

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