Slimy Pumpkin Guts

This year has been so hectic. We are busy allll the time, and life hasn't slowed down for a second.

Each year around Halloween, we carve pumpkins. This was a tradition that Isaac and I did even before our kiddos came along.

It was so hard to find time to do it this year. We bought the pumpkins, gutted them, and used them for props for pictures instead. So we kind of carved pumpkins.

Grace was not a fan of the slimy pumpkin guts.

(Better believe that this will be the first thing on my Halloween to-do list next year!)

Charley wore her sweet "Daddy is under my spell" socks that Grandma Crnkovich sent her.
(Thanks, Grandma C!)

When Grace was a baby, we put her in a pumpkin, and she hated it.

It was Charley's turn this year, and she would've sat there all night if I'd let her. She just laughed, squealed, and hung out.

When we got home from work on Halloween night, Uncle Zac, Stef, and Presley came over to hang out. Grandma and Grandpa Whiting stopped by with dinner, too! Grace was excited asking for baby cousin all day. 

We tried getting pictures of the cousins, but it's hard getting three babies to cooperate for pictures at this age:

Soon, it was time for costumes. Grace was a tutu cute ghost, and Charley was a pumpkin:

As soon as it got dark, we met the neighbors outside to start the Trick or Treating. Grace was so funny. She had to hold Noah's hand the whole time. After about two houses, she was game and wanted to go to the ones that were the most decorated. There was one with fog and spider webs that she couldn't wait to get to. Once she saw the people sitting outside in costume, she started crying. They gave her a King Sized candy bar anyways. We had so much fun. Our neighborhood is seriously the greatest. There were kids everywhere, and our neighbors are the best!


We had so much fun this year. Grace was finally able to Trick or Treat, and we got to spend time with family. I can't believe next year Charley will be walking right along with Grace. I'm already excited to start picking out costumes again.

P.S. Now that we're done with Halloween...I'm totally ready for some Christmas lights and my tree!!

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