The Best Thing We Could Have Done

Happy Half-Birthday, Charley!

It's hard to believe the little stinker is already six months old.

She's got two bottom teeth and two top teeth.

She can fully sit up, move around to get her toys, and get up on all fours. It won't be long before she's crawling around.

She can stand on her own while holding onto something for support.

She easily rolls back and forth from tummy to back and vice versa.

She uses her feet to push her forward while on her tummy. She's pretty good at getting whatever she's after, and is easily able to put everything in her mouth.

She likes peaches and pears (when they're warm).

At her six month wellness check-up, Charley weighed in at fifteen pounds and four ounces.
(That's four whole pounds less than Grace weighed at this age!)

She is twenty-five inches long.

Her size six month clothes fit her best, but she'll be able to wear them for a while. I've starting buying everything in nine month sizes anyways, so they'll last longer.

She's still in a size three diaper.

Baby girl started going to day care two days a week this month. This will give my mom more time to herself, and we'll avoid the tearful good-byes that would have come with starting her at an older age. I think putting Grace in school is the best thing we ever did. It got her to stick to a schedule, and she learned so much very quickly. Charley has been doing well. She plays with toys, and the teachers snuggle her a lot. It's nice that I can watch her on live video and definitely makes me feel better about it.

She started riding in the shopping cart with her sister instead of hanging out in her car seat (makes life much easier for me, too!).

When Charley cries, she says "mem". I like to tell myself she's asking for me.

She always looks to see who is holding her now. She's really starting to get used to the people that are around the most.

Her favorite is definitely her sister. Grace likes to rub Charley's head. She also responds to her cries with, "Hang on, boo boo. I'll be right there. I'm almost done." I would say that taking care of her sister is one of Grace's favorite things, too. They love each other so much already. I was a little unsure of having a second child so soon, but I felt in my heart that it was time. Watching my kids play together every day assures me that it's the best thing we could have done.

She is growing so quickly. I find it so hard to believe that it's been six months since my littlest squish was born. We are having so much watching her grow. Six months through about eighteen months are some of the funnest times. They learn most of their major milestones and develop their little personalities. I can't even imagine how quickly these next six months will go. All I can do is pray that time slows down, so we can enjoy the baby stage for a while longer.

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