
Art in the Park in Boulder City has always been one of my favorite things to do (mainly because it falls during the time of year when the weather is absolutely beautiful), so that's exactly what we did last Sunday.

We started out at one of our favorite breakfast places, Marie Callendar's. It's our favorite mostly due to the warm, delicious blueberry banana bread that's served right as you sit down:

At breakfast, Daddy and Grace acted silly together (aren't they just the cutest?!):

Charley enjoyed watching them:

When we got in the car, Grace had to hold Cash and Clifford (more on this later):

We headed out to Boulder City to meet Kasie and Jeremy for the festival. We got there just in time to snag a great parking spot and started walking the aisles.

Grace found some cool hand-blown hearts and vases:

We also saw some pretty neat iron landscape designs. They totally looked real in person until you got close:

Pretty soon, Grace started on her mission to find a Texas Twister. We go to all kinds of different festivals throughout the year and get one of these drinks at each one:

Unfortunately, everyone else seemed to want one, too. We waited in line for what seemed like forever:

After quenching our thirst, we saw a booth that had hand-made kiddie books. They were pretty neat. My mom got Grace a couple at an art fair a year or so ago. I was tempted to buy some for our house:

Charley wanted to see what was going on, so we took turns holding the little bug:

We tried getting a family photo, but it's hard with two kids. We got one with Grace looking, and one with Charley frowning:

Grace loved the movie Megamind when she was younger, and that's what she kept calling this dude. She would beg us to take her to see him, and then get all scared and creeped out when she got close:

After all of our exploring, we stopped in a little ice cream shop for a treat. Grace got her newest friend, Waddles:

Side Note: Grace is obsessed with Ty Beanie Puppies. She has a few, and she knows them by name. Her favs are Patches, Butkus, Cash, and Petey. I was looking on the Ty website to order her a new one, and she was begging me for the penguin named, Waddles. I decided to order him for her along with her newest puppy, Truffles, because she was so cute telling me, "I need a penwynn!". The day we were in the ice cream shop, she saw a small version and needed him. I told her no, because I had ordered her one that was literally going to be here any day. When I told her to put it back, she said, "No, no, no. He wants to go home." I let Isaac handle that one, so of course, he bought it for her. Now we have a mommy Waddles and a baby Waddles. She takes them both everywhere and adores them, so I guess it wasn't a bad deal.

Isaac dropped me off at my mom's and took the girls home for a nap. She, my sister, and I had plans to go see Wicked at The Smith Center. It was an awesome show, and nice to spend time with just the two of them:

Such a fun day. I'm totally loving this cooler weather, too!

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