...and they lived happily ever after.

I forgot to post this sweet video of Grace from day two in Disneyland. She was singing Lady Antebellum's song Downtown (complete with air guitar) until she realized I was taking a video. Then she got shy.

I also forgot to include a picture of the girls' caricatures that we got done the first day. They turned out SO cute!

Our final day in Disneyland was the best one. There weren't as many people, so the lines were shorter, and it wasn't as hot that day.

When we got into the park, we took a picture in front of the train station.

Then we headed to the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. The line had been so long every day, but was only fifteen minutes this morning. The girls had fun playing around in line.

Once we were on the submarine, they both watched out the windows, and Grace couldn't believe that we saw Nemo under the water.

Those curls!

We stopped to check out some more hats before heading to Minnie's house in Toontown.

At Minnie's House, Daddy tried opening the giant gates. Grace and Charley hung out in her front yard, and then they made a cute little friend. She had a little sister on the way and loved playing with Grace and Charley.

Grace insisted that I get a picture of her and her "reindeer", Bambi.

Finally, it was our turn to meet Minnie. She was so small and cute. We walked through her house and the girls checked out all of her furniture. I think her kitchen was their favorite.

(The next day, Grace asked me why her bed was pretend. I explained that Minnie is also pretend. She looked at me like I was crazy and went about her business.)

When we left Minnie's house, Charley was ready to eat, so Daddy and Grace hung out by the fountain and got some frozen apple juices while they waited for us.

We walked back over to the castle and went through Sleeping Beauty's adventure on the inside.

A little later, we went back to California Adventure, and we ran into Captain Hook on the way out of Disneyland.

We had to hit up Monster's Inc. Mike and Sulley to the Rescue! since it's one of Grace's all time favorite movies. Charley fell asleep and napped in Daddy's arms while we waited in line.

It was so fun, and they even had all of the stuff in line themed to go with the ride.

At the end of the ride, Roz said, "That's a cute little monster you've got there. I don't think you're supposed to take them with you."

After the ride, we had reservations for lunch at the Wine Country Trattoria. It was a special lunch that included passes to be up front for the World of Color show that night. I think that was the thing I was most excited for during this whole trip. Lunch was delicious, and the restaurant was perfect. It was a nice, shady place to relax after walking through the parks all morning.

After lunch, they gave us a tray of the most delicious desserts. Charley especially loved the raspberry macaroon.

After that dessert, Charley got a much needed outfit change. Then we headed to Mickey's Fun Wheel to take a ride on our first ferris wheel. While we were waiting in line, Grace taught Charley how to give kisses and kept kissing her during the ride. It was cool to see the park from way up high.

After the Fun Wheel, we went on Toy Story Mania!. Grace had a blast on this one, because you got to toss different items like balls and darts at targets to score points. I helped her aim, and she shot them. 

How perfect that after that ride we would run into Woody!

His escort told us that Jessie and Buzz were on their way, so we ran to grab a snack while we waited - an Icee and a delicious corn on the cob. Grace napped while the rest of us ate.

We got back just in time for Buzz, but Jessie was leaving. Grace managed to get in a high five before she went.

The Pixar Play Parade was getting close to starting, so we headed back to grab a seat and ran into Phineas and Ferb's Rockin' Rollin' Dance Party.

Once we got our seats, we busted out some suckers and the girls went to town.

When the music for the parade started, Grace went crazy. She got so excited!

The girls loved the parade. Grace made sure to say "hi" to all of the characters again. I even got the most adorable video of her during the parade. She seriously danced like this the entire time.

After the parade, we ate dinner at Cocina Cucamonga Mexican Grill. Grace was a cheeseball in line and then helped Charley eat her dinner.

Then we went to check out Cars Land. It was pretty cool, and Charley had fun roaming around and stretching her little legs.

After Cars Land, we had pretty much done everything that we had planned. We had a couple more hours, so we went back to a bug's land since we hadn't been there since the first day, and the girls (and apparently Daddy) really loved it.

We went to see Crush's Turtle Talk, and Daddy played with the girls while we waited.

Grace wanted to go on the Monster's Inc. ride again, so went back to Hollywood Land, and she got to see the Tower of Terror all lit up.

We headed down to Paradise Pier after the ride, because the World of Color was going to be starting soon. They told us that with our passes, we didn't have to get there early to get great seats, so Isaac wanted to play the boardwalk games while we waited. Grace spotted King Triton's Carousel on the way and had to go one more time.

When we got to the games, Grace wanted to play, too.

She played against Daddy in the Dumbo Bucket Brigade and beat him, so she won the Dumbo she had her eye on.

Then they played Goofy About Fishin'. Grace really wanted the Goofy prize, but kept winning the little ducks. The lady pretended that she caught the fish with the big prize on it and gave her the Goofy. She was the happiest kid ever.

It was finally time to get ready for World of Color. Grace picked the best seat - the top of Daddy's shoulders. Charley slept in her stroller through the whole thing. It started at 9:30 at night, and her usualy bed time at home is just after 7:00. 

The show was awesome! I got a couple of videos, so Grace and Charley would have them to watch when they get older. Most of the Disney Pixar characters were in it, and Grace would shout each one out as they came up. It was the perfect way to end our trip.

Under the Sea


Pirates of the Caribbean

Charley didn't even wake up when we got back to the hotel. I just moved her into bed, and she slept like this. She must've really been worn out.

I have to say that this was easily one of the best vacations I've ever been on. Watching the girls light up and see the joy and excitement in their faces made my heart so full and happy.

Looking through these pictures makes me want to go back tomorrow! It's safe to say that we will definitely be making this an annual tradition.

Until next time, Disneyland. We'll miss you!

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