Last Week...

...Daddy and Charley played on the floor:

...the girls watched A Bug's Life in their Minnie recliners (over and over again):

...we worked out our plan of attack in preparation for our Disneyland trip. We figured out which rides the girls could go on, which shows we wanted to see, and where we wanted to eat. Then we circled all those places and tried to figure out what to do each day, so we could fit it all in. This was so fun, and looking all the stuff up online really got the girls (and us) excited:

...I was super busy at work trying to get everything for the following week done since I'd be gone, that I kept forgetting to pump. I had to do it when I got home, and poor Charley looked so confused:

But that's mine!

...Charley devoured pouches and even walked around the house feeding herself like a big girl:

...the girls had picture day at school, and Grace was so excited. This is her puppy, Patches, that she takes with her to school each day. Sometimes she tells me that her other puppies want to see her school and will switch him out for another one. She's so funny:
The pictures turned out SO adorable! I love them all and had to buy a few of each:

...we went to Memphis Barbecue for dinner where Charley practiced her spoon skills on some ice cream:
...I got my desk completely caught up and cleaned in anticipation of being on vacation the following week:
...the girls snuggled together:
...we went to Newport Beach for the day on Saturday.
...we finally arrived at Disneyland and had the funnest day ever!
See you next week...with even more fun from Disneyland <3

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