Last Week...

...Charley slept in her crib and only woke up about twice each night to eat. Both of my girls did this, and when they wake up it's only for a couple of minutes to eat and go right back to sleep. Although it's not that bad, I can't wait for the night when they both sleep all the way through:

...she read books in the car while we waited for our snowcones. The girls' school is across the street from the best snowcone place in town, so it's hard to resist making a quick stop after school when it's so hot outside. Grace was upset that Charley was reading her book, so Charley gave it back to her. She's so sweet:

...Grace shared her snowcone with Charley:

...they watched movies in their Minnie chairs. I'm so glad I brought them downstairs, because both girls love to sit in them all the time and watch TV:

...Charley had her one year wellness check up with Dr. Vu. He said she was perfect. I took my own measurements for her one year blog post, but they weren't quite right. Girlfriend is just under twenty pounds, and 29.25 inches tall. Char is meeting all of her milestones ahead of time. She did great with her shots only crying for a second, and had no reaction to them. She and Grace had fun playing in the waiting room:

...after her doctor appointment, Charley snuggled with Mommy (and I loved every second of it):

...we had popsicles for dessert after dinner:

...Presley started at Charley's Day Care, and Char was excited to play with her for the day:

...I took the girls to Purple Penguin again on Thursday, and Grace made silly faces while we waited:

...we went to Ventano for dinner with Papa Rick where Charley ate the most mac and cheese I've ever seen any kid eat in one sitting:

...after her big meal, Charley was all snuggles for the night:

...when she woke up Friday, the first thing she wanted to do was watch Mickey Mouse and eat graham crackers in her Minnie chair:

...Grace face snacked on tomatoes (my favorite food ever):

Like mother, like daughter!

...we had dinner at Grandma and Poppa's house where Grace had a blast playing with her cousins: was so beautiful on Saturday morning, that we grabbed some breakfast burritos and ate at Mission Hills park. After breakfast, we played in the splash pad and had fun on the ginormous slides:

...after the park, we spent the day at my mom's pool. Charley wore her sweet ladybug floaty (it was actually Grace's last perfect, right?) and fell asleep with Mommy in the water. Gracie taught sister 'Ring Around the Rosie' and practiced swimming with Daddy:

...that night, we had dinner at Brio with my mom and sister for Mother's Day:

...Sunday morning, we found a giant lizard on the back wall. I took the picture far away because: 1 - I was terrified of it and 2 - You needed some perspective to be able to tell how big it really was:

...we celebrated Mother's Day with all of our moms.

...I caught Gracie singing Downtown in the bathtub. Whenever she hears this song, she says, "Mommy! Do you hear that? It's our song." She's the cutest:

See ya next week :)

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