Family Vacation {Newport Edition}

Isaac and I took a full week off work to spend with the girls and take them to Disneyland.

It was so nice to be off for TEN whole days in a row, and we were excited for our very first family vacation.

We took our time waking up and packing Saturday morning. Grace even helped me pack the suitcase. We only ended up with a few items we didn't need.

Love her hair in that little french braid!

We hit the road and made a quick pit stop at Starbucks. Then it was off to California. The girls watched Brave and Tangled and took naps while we drove.

We got to California around 1:00, and since our hotel wouldn't be ready for us to check in until 3, we headed straight for Newport Beach. It wasn't the same without our friends, since we've made so many amazing memories there, but we still had fun with the girls.

Grace went to Newport just before her first birthday and liked it a lot. I was nervous to see what she'd think about the ocean this time, since she was a little older.

Newport is our favorite since we know our way around and there is so much fun stuff to do. After we parked, we changed into our swimsuits and strolled around the boardwalk for a bit.

We came across our favorite dancing spot, Cabo Cantina (Hi, Kasie and Frannie! We need to go back...soon!).

We stopped in a yogurt shop for a quick snack and then took the girls down the pier.

Grace loved watching the ocean and Charley couldn't take her eyes off it.

We finally made our way to the beach, and the girls loved it...for a while. They played in the sand, let the water wash over their toes, and got dirty. After a little while, the sand started sticking to Charley and her sunscreen. At this point, she was over it. Daddy buried her and helped Grace built a moat in the sand. We drew Grace's name, and she thought it was funny to walk over it and erase it. It was so much fun to show the girls something new.

After the beach, we headed to our hotel, took showers, and went to Downtown Disney to grab some dinner at House of Blues.

Finally, it was back to the hotel to get ready for Disneyland the next morning.

I can honestly say that this was one of the best days ever, and it was only the first day of our vacation!!

Stay tuned for Disneyland <3

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