Last Week...
...we had the best family vacation ever in California. After five days at the beach and Disneyland, we still had five more days off work!
...Charley helped me take Grace's current measurements for her modeling agent:
...Charley helped me take Grace's current measurements for her modeling agent:
...since I had a few days off, I got to go get my nails done in the middle of the day. It was fabulous and my nail girl, Tiffany, is simply the best (at doing nails and listening to whatever issues I've got going on that week). I just love her:
...Grace had a modeling shoot for the Halloween costumes she did last year. They needed some three year old shots, and since she is a year older, she got to shoot in the bigger costumes this time. They curled her hair a little and did the tiniest amount of make-up, which instantly turned her into a twelve-year-old. I can't get over how big and beautiful this girl is:
...after work, Grace got to go the The Cupcakery. Who doesn't love getting rewarded for working with yummy cupcakes:
...we had a park date with the Sebastians, and the kids had a blast at Reunion Trails. They played in the water and then climbed the rock wall. Grace was so brave and didn't hesitate to climb to the very top. Daddy helped catch her when she jumped off. These kids are the cutest, bestest friends. I love watching them play together:
(Six Months and Thirteen Months...say what?)
...Grace and Charley were exhausted after their park date, so they cuddled and passed out together.
...we took the girls to see the new movie, Epic 3D, on Friday. Charley is the best to take to the movies. We just sit in the very back, and I nurse her after she gets bored. She passes out and sleeps until the credits start rolling. Grace has always loved movies and does so well. She loves asking questions about what is going on or why certain things happen:
...after the movie, we went over to my mom's house to help with some last minute things for Geni's baby shower the next day. Charley hung out in her high chair coloring and snacking on oranges:
...when we got home, Grace napped in the La-Z-Boy:
...we went to the mall, and Grace checked herself out in the mirror (as per usual). I'm sure she gets this from her Daddy. He has loved mirrors since he was little, too:

...we celebrated Baby Chase with a shower for Geni on Saturday.
...Kasie and I hung out by the pool after the shower. We hadn't seen each other for a few weeks because we were both on vacations one right after another. It was kind of weird after seeing her nearly every weekend for like three years. Needless to say, we all missed her and Jeremy:

...Sunday morning it was back to the usual routine of having breakfast at The Coffee Cup and then playing at O'Callaghan Park. This time, I taught Gracie how to climb the giant trees. My dad lives just across the street form the park, so when I was little, I would climb these trees all the time with my friend, Brittany. It was awesome to show Grace where I played and watch her play in the same places.
...Kasie and I hung out by the pool after the shower. We hadn't seen each other for a few weeks because we were both on vacations one right after another. It was kind of weird after seeing her nearly every weekend for like three years. Needless to say, we all missed her and Jeremy:
...Sunday morning it was back to the usual routine of having breakfast at The Coffee Cup and then playing at O'Callaghan Park. This time, I taught Gracie how to climb the giant trees. My dad lives just across the street form the park, so when I was little, I would climb these trees all the time with my friend, Brittany. It was awesome to show Grace where I played and watch her play in the same places.
...we had lunch at Wahoo's with Grandpa and Grandma Espejo, Elisha and Elijah. It was pretty good, and a great lunch spot if you're looking for something light:
...we stopped by Zac and Stefanie's to hang out with Presley for a bit. Little cutie is getting so big, and we hadn't seen her for a few weeks (besides quickly at school).