Last Week...

...Charley fell asleep watching Monday Night Football, and Grace insisted on wearing an oven mitt while watching movies on her iPad. What is with this kid and gloves?
...I picked Grace up from school, and she said "Mom! Look at this cool monster on the door. Take a picture of me with the monster."
...we went to gymnastics where she worked on the bars.
...Charley got down on some mac and cheese at dinner.
...we played outside almost every afternoon. The weather has been gorgeous, and all of the neighbor kids are best friends. The second Grace hears someone outside she says, "I think my friends are outttt!"
...we got The Little Mermaid and The Croods when they were released on Tuesday since we'd been counting down the days. The girls were so excited and have watched The Croods every day since.
...both girls slept in their own beds.
(Grace picks out her own PJs and insisted on wearing my Titans shirt to bed. That's my girl!)
...Papa Rick sent me pictures of the girls playing in his backyard while I was at work.
...Grammy got a new puppy named Sookie. Grace absolutely loves her. anticipation of our first pumpkin patch trip of the season on Saturday, I dug up the girls first pumpkin pictures for "Throwback Thursday". It's amazing to me how they are so different. You always imagine your other kids will be exactly like your first. Grace was so mad at us for putting her in the pumpkin and wanted right out, while Charley sat there just chillin' and smiling away. I can't wait to carve pumpkins with them this year and see how they react to the pumpkin guts.
...the girls and I were laying in bed watching movies when I told them it was time to go to sleep. Usually, Charley will just roll over and fall asleep. I'll move her into her crib, and then Grace will fall asleep while I tickle her back. This particular night, they weren't having it. I'd tell them to go to sleep, and they'd lay there all still. The second I'd turn away, they'd start kicking each other, hugging each other, and giggling like crazy. I couldn't help but smile and laugh with them. Then I'd threaten a spanking and tell them to go to sleep. This went on for quite a while. It reminded me of my childhood, laying in bed giggling with my cousins, while my grandma threatened to spank us from the next room. Why does getting yelled at make you want to giggle more? It was so cute and frustrating all at the same time. I love that my girls love each other so much.
...Grace wanted pigtails for school, and I couldn't help but admire her amazing hair.
...she wasn't really feeling gymnastics that day and kept saying she was too tired. We've been going twice a week, and now that the kids are always playing outside after school, I think she'd rather be with them. We are going to take a few weeks off since we've been so busy lately, and we're never home. She has also been asking to start dance classes, so we need to check out the schedule for those and get something worked out to fit in both along with swim lessons for Charley. Maybe after the busy holiday season.
...Grace has a princess and a Minnie Mouse set of blow dryers, curling irons, straighteners, etc. The girls worked on my hair after dinner Thursday night. Charley kept trying to stand on my legs to reach my hair from the front, so I kept stealing kisses.
...Char watched The Little Mermaid in mermaid jammies.
...we stopped by Sonic for some shakes the next afternoon.
...we went to Disney Junior Live on Friday. Grace insisted on holding Charley's hand while we walked in. They didn't want us to walk with them.
Charley wasn't really into Sofia the First, but Grace was all about it, even wearing her Princess Sofia dress to the show. When Mickey and Minnie came out, Charley went nuts. We ran into the Ditatas while getting some drinks, and Grace had fun hanging out with Tenley during the intermission and part of Jake and the Neverland Pirates. She swiped her light-up toy and some of her cotton candy when Tenley wasn't paying attention. Sesame Street Live is coming in November, and the next Disney on Ice in January will have Grace's two favorite princesses: Rapunzel and Merida. She's already asking when we can go see them. She doesn't get the concept of time just yet and thinks we can do everything "today".
...Grace snacked on pouches before bed. She refuses to eat a lot during meals and prefers to eat about ten smaller meals or snacks throughout the day. Charley, on the other hand, will eat tons of food during each meal, and only snacks a little when Grace tells us that they are both "sooo hungry".
...Saturday morning, we met the Croppers at O'Callaghan park for a donut breakfast play date. We had so much fun playing on the swings, climbing up to the slides, and running all over the place. Little Sophie even brought the girls some delicious cake pops from The Sweet Pop Shop to snack on.
(Thanks, Sophs! You're the sweetest.)
...we spent a day in Utah with the Sebastians at Staheli Family Farm and had the best time ever.
...the girls took a bath Sunday morning and had fun playing in the bubbles.
(Cutest baby belly award goes to Chawee!)
...we watched football and the girls sported their Titans gear. Jake Locker got hurt (there goes our awesome season) just after half time. Grace kept saying "C'mon Jakey. Go get 'em!" It was the cutest. Hopefully he comes back soon, because there is no way we are winning the next three games with Ryan Fitz(sucky)patrick at the helm.
...Charley fell asleep, so I put her in her crib. Apparently, Grace was worried about her being in the bedroom by herself, because she kept going in to check on her.
...we spent the afternoon in Boulder City at Art in the Park. Little festivals like these are some of our favorite things to do in the fall. They always have cute crafts, but we were kind of disappointed in the stock this year. There were a few cute booths, but more boring ones. (Does anyone seriously wear the weird jewelry that they always sell at these things? I swear there were like 40 booths selling it.) It was still fun to get out of the house and get a Texas Twister, though (a must at these things). The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so walking around outside was worth it even without the art festival. Plus, we ran into some old friends that we hadn't seen in a while, so it was nice to hang out with them for a little bit. At least we got out of there without spending any money.
...since Art in the Park was a bust, we headed back home to watch some more football. Even Charley was into the game.
...the girls passed out together without a fight that night. They must've been really tired.
See you next week <3

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