Still Eating Candy

Since Halloween fell on a Thursday this year, the girls were at school for the day. They got to wear their costumes, go trick-or-treating, and have a Halloween party.
Isaac and I got to take our lunch early from work and hang out with them for a while. Charley saw us first and was so excited that she started crying. We took her with us to Grace's classroom, and she had so much fun pretending to be a big girl with sister's class.

Zac and Stefanie came to see Presley, too, so they joined us in Gracie's class.
Cutest Cookie Monster!!
They trick-or-treated from class to class by age group, so Charley's class was after the infants. She wasn't really into it until Gracie opened up a sucker for her. Then she did whatever they wanted her to do, because she was content. All of the other kids kept trying to get into their candy, but the teachers would tell them they had to wait until they got back to their classrooms. When Charley would come out of the other classrooms after getting her candy, she would run down the hall to us. We had to keep redirecting her back to her group to finish in the other classrooms.


Charley's sweet class - The Two Year Olds!

Once the two year olds were done, it was the early pre-school room's turn to go. Grace wouldn't smile, because she wanted Mommy to come with her, and I couldn't.

She was so mad/sad when we left. She kept asking us to stay for "just five more minutes". She and Charley were having so much fun with us at school with them that wanted us to stay all day. A couple of hours later, I went back to pick them up. Since they were in the middle of their party, they brought home lots of yummy snacks.
We went home, got our candy ready, put on our costumes, and met our awesome neighbors outside to start the festivities.


Our neighborhood is the best! Everyone sits out on their porches and driveways handing out candy to the crazy amounts of trick-or-treaters we get each year. We went through seven bags and had none left at the end of the night! Grandma and Grandpa Whiting, Zac, Stefanie, and Presley, and Poppa and Gran Tackett came to see the girls and spend Halloween with them.

The grandparents stayed at the house to hand out the candy, while we took the little ones around the neighborhood. They had so much fun trick-or-treating and got so excited whenever a house was decorated with lights and scary things. Grace loves Noah's cousin Kennedy and made sure to hold her hand in between houses.

Char had to open her candy corn and eat it right away!

Still eating candy.

Soon after, Charley was over it and just wanted to eat her candy. Daddy took her back to hang with the grandparents. She ate candy nonstop for two straight hours. Baby girl was in heaven! I think it's safe to say that Halloween is her favorite holiday so far.

Sweet Baby Cousins!
After trick-or-treating, we spent some time hanging out with our family and neighborhood friends enjoying the night. The girls had a dance party with Grandma Lisa (so did Isaac and Zacarias), and we all enjoyed the best cake pops ever that I ordered from The Sweet Pop Shop. We got Dalmatians, fire hydrants, and princesses...something for everyone. They turned out so cute and the girls loved them!
Thanks again, Amy!!
We had such a blast celebrating Halloween with such amazing friends and family. I couldn't get over just how adorable all of the kids looked in their costumes. I'm so glad we live in a neighborhood like this one. It makes every day so much fun!
I hope everyone had just as much fun as we did on Halloween!
P.S. Sixteen days until Christmas lights and trees go up! Hooray!!

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