Last Week...

...I forgot to include the videos in last week's post...
Charley is obsessed with books and sits on the floor "reading" them constantly. She especially loves to read them to us.
She also loves putting things in and out of their container over and over again (that may be an OCD habit that she picked up from Mommy). She is getting so smart and learning new words every day. Monday's words were "open, please".
...back to the regular weekly update...
...we hung out at the mall, and Grace wanted me to take a picture of her noodle necklace that she made at school.

...Charley showed off her belly before school on Tuesday.

(When did she get this big?!)

...the girls and I hung out and shopped around The District after school. I spotted THE most adorable Christmas skirt and matching dress at Janie and Jack for the girls to wear this year. I can't wait to see them all dressed up during the holidays.
Charley loved watching the "beeeebees" (birdies) run around and kept calling them over.

Grace tried teaching Charley how to walk like a chicken and then a penguin.

When Daddy finally got off work and met up with us, we had Lucille's for dinner (duh!). Charley's favorite part is the biscuits with apple butter.


...that night, Grace and Charley fell asleep while watching The Croods. Charley rolled over, and Grace flopped her arm right over her. It was the cutest thing ever. rained in the middle of the night, which made for the most beautiful sunrise the next morning.

...Grace insisted on picking out her own outfit on Wednesday to wear to Grammy's (complete with puppy and purse). She's kind of obsessed with boots and leopard right now and wears them almost every day,

...Grammy took the girls to the pumpkin patch where Grace had a blast posing for pictures and riding the big swing around. They also got to hang out with the goats for a bit.

...Charley played with her make-up. When you take the lipstick out of it's spot, it sings and makes a kissing sound. She would kiss herself in the mirror each time. We were cracking up.

...we all sat in the La-Z-Boy together watching movies that night.

...Char Char snuggled up next to me when she got tired and fell asleep almost instantly. She's so good about going to bed. She just drags her little blanky over when she gets tired, gets in bed, lays down, and passes out. She's so different from Grace (who needs her back tickled every night).

...we spent an afternoon at the pumpkin patch with some friends. We've been going to the same one for four years now, and it's so much fun every single time.
...on our way home from the pumpkin patch, Isaac grabbed pizza from Grimaldi's, and we ate at home while watching the Bears game.
...after dinner, the girls took a drive around the block and checked out some awesome Halloween decorations on the street over from ours. Grace is the funniest driver. Whenever she is coming close to hitting something, even a curb, she stops and asks me to help her steer away from it. I had to keep telling her to push the peddle and steer at the same time. On the way home, I let her put it into the fastest gear and drive around a little cul-de-sac at the top of our street. Whenever she would stop, it would spin out, and she thought it was hilarious.
...Charley played with her make-up some more and then investigated Grace's puppy flashlight.
..Grammy and Poppa Rick stopped by, and the girls showed them how to pour tea. Charley shared a cup with Mommy.
...I won the most delicious, adorable cake pops from The Sweet Pop Shop, and my mom sent us a witches' brew filled with Halloween cookies...score!
...Friday afternoon, the kiddos played outside with their besties. Grace got a new hat and gloves for the winter and has been obsessed with wearing them everywhere.
...Daddy drove around the corner and both girls insisted on climbing up through his window to help him drive home.
Then they ran back down the street to continue playing.
...Charley got to take a turn driving and did pretty well. She loves doing things that make her feel like a big girl.
...Char and JJ hung out and chatted with each other.
...Noah wanted to climb up a mountain behind our house with some of the older kids from our neighborhood. When Shelly told him not today, he said "You're so mean, mom! All you care about is safety." It was too funny. Then she told him that strangers could take him, because we wouldn't be able to see him. His response? "Mom, I see strangers all the time, and they never try to take me. They just walk right past me!"
He and Gracie proceeded to sit in the corner of his yard throwing rocks and having a conversation about their moms while we were standing right there. It went like this:
Noah: My mom is just so mean.
Grace: I know, right? My mom is mean, too.
These two are too much already. We're in trouble.
...Presley turned ONE! She came over to have some cupcakes, but the kids fell asleep before we got to them. They shared some goldfish and graham crackers instead.
...we had breakfast burritos at Fausto's on Saturday, but not before we stopped by Starbucks where Gracie got her very own hot chocolate.
...we went birthday shopping for Presley, and Grace picked out all kinds of stuff that she wants to ask Santa to bring her for Christmas including: a crazy helmet, a Sofia the First microphone, a Ninja Turtle, an Easy Bake Oven, and some princess dolls. I explained to her that if she sat on Santa's lap really nice without crying, she could ask him for these things, and he would probably bring them to her for Christmas. We'll see if this equates to a decent Santa picture this year. We did let her get a Rapunzel and Flynn Rider doll set, because they're her absolute favorite (so is Merida and Ariel and get the point). I couldn't help but think they looked eerily similar to Noah and Gracie.
...all of that shopping wore her out, and she napped in the car (notice the constant puppy gloves on her hands).
...we spent Saturday evening at Presley's first birthday party. It was a cute little pumpkin patch theme, and Charley was all about the scarecrows. She shared chili with Daddy, while Grace was busy playing with the bigger kids. We got Presley a princess crown, and she loved wearing it.
Happy Birthday, baby P!! We love you so, so much <3
(Those pigtails kill me!)
(Check out that bellyyyyy!)
(Presley with all of her cute cousins.)
...the girls loved their goodie bags and played with the pumpkin flashlights the whole way home.

...Grace watched The Croods (again) and when it was over, she started singing the song, Shine Your Way, and knew almost all of the words. She's so smart.
...Sunday morning, we went to church with my sister. She and baby Chase got baptized at her fiancé's church (congratulations!). Char had fun playing with Chase and then took a nap in his car seat while Grace danced around. Grace noticed a cross on the wall with Jesus hanging on it. When she asked about it, I tried explaining to her that he died for our sins on the cross, She was so confused, so we'll have to approach this subject when she gets a little older.
See you next week!

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