The Greatest Man I've Ever Known

Poppa (my dad's dad) is EIGHTY years old!!
To celebrate, Grandma set up a surprise dinner party for him at his favorite restaurant last week, The Hush Puppy.
The whole family gathered to celebrate with him.
My dad, being the crafty chef that he is, made the most delicious cake for the occasion (he's our go to cake guru for all parties).
The girls spend every Friday with Poppa and Grandma. They absolutely love going over there and count down every week until Friday comes. Charley even knows the way and starts singing "Poppppa, Poppppa" when we get near his house. They had fun playing with him and all of the balloons at dinner.
Everyone sat around the tables catching up and chatting about anything and everything until it was time to eat. We had no idea what to order, so we went with Poppa's suggestion of catfish and shrimp. I've had catfish before, and it was terrible. I was a little skeptical, but this turned out to be delicious! Grace ate some shrimp, but Charley stuck to her grilled cheese. Once she spotted Daddy's corn, she wouldn't leave him alone until her let her eat the whole thing.
We sat by Dad and Ellie while we ate and enjoyed some time catching up with them since Dad has been working so much lately.
After everyone was done eating, we sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed some cake.

Luckily, we had our own room to hang out in. Grace and Charley played with their cousin, Madi, and they all ran around the room chasing each other, laughing, and playing with all of the balloons.
After a couple of hours, we decided to get a group shot before everyone headed home for the night.
Poppa and Grandma with all of their grandkids and great grandkids (minus Candace and Logan...we missed you!).
It's hard to believe that we have six kids between all of us cousins (and another on the way)! It seems like just yesterday we were all running around Poppa and Grandma's house playing together.
We had such a fun time and were so glad to see everyone.
My poppa is the greatest man I've ever known. He is kind, compassionate, hard working, patient, loving, and the most giving man in the world. He spends all of his time taking care of everyone else, whether it's family, friends, acquaintances, or someone from church that needs help. He would do anything and everything in his power to help a person in need. Poppa shows everyone what it means to be selfless, and we could all take a page from his book. I've spent many days and nights with him since the second I was born. He has been one of the most important people in my life, and I am so fortunate to have had him so close to me. I can't imagine growing up and getting to where I am today without his influence and teachings. We are so blessed that the girls get to spend so much time with him as well. He loves them so much and they can't get enough of him, either.
We all love him so much!
Happy 80th Birthday, Poppa!!
Here's to many more!

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