Last Week...

...Grace was her cute, silly self as we drove home from school on Monday.
...the girls wore their new matching PJs while they picked out a movie to watch on the iPad before bed, goofed off, and eventually fell asleep for the night.
...they took a ride around the neighborhood in their car on Tuesday. When their friends came outside, they got out some other toys to play with. Grace is getting so good on her scooter and can slide around curves without falling. She tells everyone to watch her, because she is so proud of herself. Charley built some block towers and thought it was so funny to knock them over afterwards.
...Grace worked on learning the new Britney song on the way to dinner. She's so silly.
...we went to Lucille's for dinner with the Sebastians. These kids just kill me when they get together. They're the cutest!
...Charley was sleepy and fought falling asleep in the car on the way home.
...we played outside some more on Wednesday, and Easton and Charley had fun rearranging all of the pumpkins in our front yard.

...Grace pet our next door neighbor's puppy. She's the last one from their litter. Grace begged us for one for weeks, but Daddy never gave in (I don't blame him, but I let him be the one to say "no").

...she made the cutest Harvest Tree at school on Thursday.
...we met the Sebastians at Stu Miller's Pumpkin Patch after school where the kids had so much fun.
...we went to Grimaldi's for dinner afterwards. Gracie, Noah, and Easton love to lead the way holding hands where ever we're going. Whenever Easton first sees Grace, he yells "Cee Cee", and they run towards each other. He gives her thee biggest hug, and they have fun playing. When we leave, Easton runs from Grace, and she chases him until she tackles him to give him a goodbye hug. They're hilarious! We've found out that it's best to have an adult nearby at the end, because they'll go falling into whatever is around when Grace tackles him.

...Charley and I snuggled in bed while we watched Toy Story of Terror on Thursday night. It's her new favorite, and she requests it every single night. She points to the TV, and watches the pictures as I go through the DVR list. She'll shake her head "no" to each one until I select it. Then she's claps and squeals with excitement. So cute!
...I started reading my sixteenth book since the beginning of summer. I'm always on the look out for new ones, and love reading when the girls fall asleep for the night.
...Charley drew pictures all over the street in her "pajammies" as Grace calls them. She would draw a few lines and then move to another area. Our street now has multi-colored spots all over the place.
...the full moon was gorgeous coming over the mountains Friday night.
...Grace has been obsessed with watching movies with Daddy. She likes the new Spiderman the best. She always asks him if they can watch the "scary movies" together. It's adorable.
...Zacarias, Stefanie, Isaac, and I got to go out Saturday night while Grandma and Grandpa Whiting watched the babies at our house. They gave us tickets to see Jimmy Buffett and got us two hotel rooms at the Mirage. We drove out there after dinner to get all checked in to our rooms. We had to check-in inside the VIP room which offered free beers, wine, and coffee. Sweet! Once we got up to our rooms, we were enjoying some music along with our beers and Fireball shots when we got a phone call. Apparently there was a limo waiting for us downstairs to take us to the MGM for the concert. We had a blast watching the couple in front of us sing along, dance, and even cry at the sight of Jimmy Buffett (we were on the floor four rows from the stage). After a while, we gave our tickets to some people in one of the back rows so they could go up front and have fun. We took our limo back to the Mirage and made our way to Senor Frogs. We had a blast dancing our butts off since it just happened to be "Latin Night". Once we were all salsa'd out, we headed to Gilly's where we hung out with some drunken cowboys. Isaac and I were exhausted after that since it was way past our bed time. We headed back to the hotel room and slept peacefully. We still woke up super early, but it was nice to get a solid night's rest knowing the girls were taken care of. Plus, we got the most delicious, free coffee when we went back down to VIP to check out. We grabbed some burritos from Fausto's and headed home to see our sweet girls that we were missing so much.

Waiting for our limo.


Zacarias and I gettin' down while Isaac and Stef got us drinks from the bar.

Hanging out with a random cowboy while Isaac was in the bathroom.
Thank you so much, Lisa and Craig. We had a blast!!
...Sunday was a lazy one. The girls played on the bed, and then I got lots of cleaning done while the rest of my family took a long nap. When Charley wasn't sleeping, she would not let me put her down. She wanted to snuggle with Mommy all day. I'm not sure if it was because she had the tiniest little cold, or because I was gone the night before. Either way, I loved it!
...Charley kept wearing sister's new hat around the house and thought she was so funny.
...that night, the girls snuggled in bed as usual. Grace fell asleep holding Charley while we watched Toy Story of Terror...for the 800th time.

That's it for now! See you next week <3

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