Last Week...

...we had dinner at Chapala's. Charley loved the rice and insisted on sitting next to Grace when she finished eating.
...Char played on the iPad while the rest of us watched movies.
...we had another beautiful sunrise that colored the sky pink, purple, and orange.

...we spent the evening at Poppa and Gran's where we made some special videos for Poppa Ron's 80th birthday. Grace also helped Poppa make some pizza for dinner while Charley went crazy over the magnets on the fridge.


...the girls held hands in the car on the way home from school. It was the cutest thing in the world.
...we enjoyed some pizza and beer at Grimaldi's. They have the best pizza ever, and we can't get enough of this place. The weather was gorgeous, so we sat outside on the patio and hung out for a while.

Grace always wants help folding hers in half.
Charley will refuse to eat hers if you cut it up. She wants to be a  big girl and eat the whole piece.

...we had some errands to run Saturday morning and forgot to grab Charley's blanket on the way out the door. She was ready for a nap at her usual time and was super upset that her blanky wasn't in the car. I have never seen this kid cry like this EVER. We felt horrible, so we stopped at Target immediately to grab her another one. We showed her a pink one just like one she has at home, and she threw it. We gave her a light blue polka dot one, and she snuggle right up to it in Daddy's arms and all was right in her world again. Poor kid! You better believe we'll never leave the house without her blanky again.
...we spent Saturday afternoon at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's to celebrate Uncle Elijah's eighteenth birthday! I've known this kid since he was five, and I still can't believe that he'll be graduating from high school in a few months. It's hard to think of your younger siblings as adults. I'll always look at them all like they're still little kids. Grandma took the girls out on the trampoline to play, and they also had fun on the slide before enjoying some delicious birthday cheesecake that Grandma made.



 Happy 18th Birthday, Elijah!!
...we stopped at a small pumpkin patch near the house to grab a couple more pumpkins since we had plans to carve them that night. The girls had fun in the little bounce house they had until it started deflating. We quickly rescued them and made our way home.
...the girls got dressed up in their costumes to stop by the neighbor's Halloween party. All of the neighborhood kids were there in their costumes, and they all looked so cute.

Charley's "cheese" face.
Puppy kisses!
...after their appearance at the party, we came back home to carve pumpkins with the Unertls and Sebastians. We had Grimaldi's (again), and the kids had fun checking out the insides of the pumpkins. Despite ALL of our carving tools breaking into pieces, we managed some pretty awesome pumpkin carvings.




...all of that pumpkin carving wore Charley out, and she passed out on the couch. I moved her to the bed, and she didn't take her time sprawling out to take up the whole thing.
...we had breakfast at Marie Callendars and enjoyed their delicious pumpkin bread. The girls played outside on the bike racks afterwards and didn't want to get in the car.

...we celebrated Poppa Ron's Eightieth Birthday with the family.
These girls are way too cute!!
...on the way home from dinner, Isaac and I stopped at Halloweenmart on Decatur (the best Halloween store EVER) and picked up some sweet costume pieces. Of course we had to try them on immediately.
Stay tuned to see these bad boys in action on Halloween night!
See ya next week :)

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