Charley's Skating Birthday Party

Charley's 6th Birthday crept up on us quickly this year. She wanted to have her birthday party at Crystal Palace and invite all of her friends to go roller skating with her.

Since this girl loves all things unicorn, we grabbed a few unicorn decorations and some cupcakes and headed to the skating rink.

The girls had so much fun skating with their friends. I was pretty impressed with how well they did skating all over the place on their own.

Poppa and Gran even got out there and went around the rink a few times. Everybody was having a blast.

Char had her favorite people there, and Perry loved watching her sisters pass her by on the sidelines.

Soon it was time for pizza and cake. We all sang Happy Birthday, and Char made her wish.

Perry was all about the cupcakes and got a little crazy with hers.

The girls skated some more and Grandma Sunshine and Papa Craig went out to do the chicken dance and the hokey pokey with them.

Perry played with Acelyn, and these girls really got the party started with balloons and party horns.

Gracie helped Paxton race a car in the arcade area.

Charley had so much fun! I can't believe this girl is six years old. I think she'll always be three in my eyes. She's the funnest, silliest little girl, and we love her so, so much!

Thank you to everyone that came to celebrate with us and shower this girl in the girliest gifts of purses, make-up, and nail polish. She opened a make-up mirror with some fancy eye shadow and Grace ran upstairs in her room, because she was so upset. Char was the best and let Gracie come in her room to share and do their make-up together. She's such a sweet sister and loves when she gets to take care of Grace or Perry. We love your spunk and your competitive spirit, but most of all we love your heart, Char Char.

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

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