Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Fun in the Sun

The girls and I made Mini Turkey Meatball Vegetable Soup (one of my favs) for dinner, and the rainbow carrots looked so pretty.

Grace brought home a story that she wrote about living in a snow globe.

Perry did not want to wake up for school on Tuesday.

Gracie's class learned about France and wore berets while drinking grape juice. Her teacher is seriously the best, and always comes up with funnest ways to teach the kids new things.

I saw this, and it was totally accurate. I'm losing my mind more than I'd like to admit these days.

Perry continued to sleep with her Chance doll.

She tried to sneak into Charley's shower one night, so I decided it was bath time for her, too. I always try to get her to potty on the toilet before bath, and I was trying to fill her with all of the liquids I could find in hopes of a tinkle in the potty.

Charley learned about plants and brought home some fun diagrams to show us what she learned.

Perry made a duck, and picked the best assortment of feathers.

Charley also learned about ladybugs and did so well writing in her book about them. She's come so far since the beginning of the school year!

Kindergarten started the ABC's of Kinder to count down the last twenty-six days of school. That doesn't even seem possible. The first day was wear and "A"nimal on your shirt day.

The girls practiced cartwheels and somersaults in the living room after dinner.

The second day of Kinder's ABC Countdown was "B"ubble Day.

Perry and I snuggled in bed Saturday morning before getting up to get ready, and she kept copying all of my silly faces.

I just love the way she says her name.

I found her upstairs on Grace's beanbag hanging with her big sisters.

We tried the potty out some more, but it's pretty hit or miss these days.

I started to do a little work from home, and found this in my notebook. Grace wrote me a note about "how Charley feels" when she was sick a few weeks ago.

We went to the girls' soccer games and had fun watching them play.

After Grace's game, we brought Jolene and Kori home with us for a sleepover. It's so fun that they are the same ages as Grace and Char, because they both get a friend to play with. They played in the front yard with the Sebastians, and Perry even attempted to ride her own bike.

The kids got a pretty good game of street hockey going, and I was loving it.

We went back inside, and the girls colored pictures before moving upstairs to watch Grease.

I caught them all singing Summer Nights, and it was the cutest.

They all passed out on the couch after moving on to their second movie, The Princess Bride.

Sunday morning, after dropping Jojo and Kori off at home, we headed to The M to meet the Gerfys for a pool day. Perry did so well in her puddle jumper, and we all had fun soaking up some sun.

After bath time and nap time, Perry went upstairs to play with sisters. She came down a while later with her hands looking like this.

I went upstairs after she told me she was done coloring to find her artwork all over the couch. She was so proud to show it off.

She even managed to get it all over her feet.

Gracie kept scaring Perry, and she thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Another fun week in the books.

See ya next time!

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