Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Cheering on the Las Vegas Lights

Monday, Gracie had field day at school. I took the morning off of work so I could come watch her, and it was so much fun. They started off by relaying balls full of water from a trash can to a tub and seeing who could fill it with the most water the quickest.

Next up was a race with hurdles. Grace did so good and didn't hit one. Gracie and Easton were in the same group, so we got to watch him, too.

After the hurdles, they raced on bouncing balls. Grace (and her girlfriends) all went to the line of kids that had already completed their turn so they didn't have to do it. Typical girls.

Perry found some dandelions, so I taught her how to make a wish.

Dodge ball was the next station, and the kids just basically all went crazy throwing balls in every direction.

We moved on to pool noodle sword fighting, which was super fun for the kids.

After that, they had a popsicle break, and Gracie snuck an extra one for Perry.

They had a water fight to finish up, and then they headed back to class.

Gracie also had soccer practice that night, and Perry snacked on bananas while Gracie worked on her skills.

The weather was super confused, and it went from 91 degrees one day to 66 degrees the next.

Perry wanted to wrestle at bed time instead of going to sleep.

Grace wrote me this note, and I found it hilarious. My favorite part: "she is also hitting Grace, who is me".

Grace brought home a robot that she made and named him Diamond and a little bit of alliteration that she did in class this week.

Isaac took one of our clients to the Knights first playoff game and had a blast. Especially since the Knights won!

Meanwhile, Grace wore a sports bra and a Knights hat around the house and said she looked like Grandma Sunshine.

Perry looked super cute in her favorite Elsa shirt before school.

Gracie had her spring concert, and it was so sweet to watch all of the kids up there singing together. 

Perry loved watching her big sis on stage, and kept yelling out, "there's Gracie!".

We picked the girls up from school on Friday, and took them out to Grandma Sunshine's for the night.

They FaceTimed us right after we dropped them off.

Isaac and I got tickets to the Knights second playoff game, and it's my favorite game we went to all season. The arena was decked out for the playoffs, and the atmosphere was unreal.

They really outdid themselves with every aspect of the pre-game, and it had the crowd going crazy.

Not only was it louder and more exciting than the regular season, but the game went into double overtime before we finally won. The crowd was insane after the winning goal was scored, and no one wanted to leave. It was the most exciting sporting event I've ever been to or watched on TV.

Saturday was full of more sporting events as Grace and Char both had soccer games. They both killed it, and their teams both won their games.

Back at home, Perry snuggled with Chance before her nap.

That evening, we went to watch the Las Vegas Lights play some soccer with Gracie's soccer team. We had so much fun eating snow cones, goofing off, and cheering the Lights to victory. There were lots of wins all around this weekend.

(How cool that the players wore VGK sweaters to support the Knights in their playoff run?!)

After the game, the girls raced up the giant hill at Cashman to the parking lot.

Sunday morning, the girls helped Daddy do some yard work.

That really tuckered Perry out, and she came inside to nap with Mommy.

Later that day, she tried pickles for the first time and couldn't decide whether or not she liked them.

The girls played together while we watched the Knights play the Kings in game three of the first round.

Perry and I moved to the bedroom, because it was her bed time, and the Knights pulled out another victory to go up 3-0 in the series.

Perry fell asleep with Chance - Good Knight! Sweep Dreams <3

We had an exciting week around here!

See ya next week when the Knights sweep the Kings and move on to round 2!!

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