Her Name is Charley {and she's SIX today!}

My Char Char is six years old today. I can't hardly believe it.

She has grown into such a beautiful soul. This girl loves hard and fights harder. She doesn't give in when she wants something and always stands up for what is right.

Charley loves animals (stuffed or real) and anything and everything to do with soccer.

She's so fun to watch on the field. This girl is a ball hawk and loves to get in there to make sure the ball is always heading towards the right goal.

Chawyee is the silliest kid and loves being goofy. You'll constantly catch her singing along to any song that comes on the radio, and she can't help but dance to the beat.

Char always wants to dress herself, and her style is bar none. Her shirts never match her pants, but it doesn't matter as long as they're cute on their own. She loves the color mint and you can almost always catch her wearing it in some form or another.

At six years old, Char is forty-six pounds and forty-five inches tall. She's in size 6 clothes and wears a size 11-12 in shoes. 

Every birthday since the girls turned three, I have asked them the same twenty questions. This year I learned that Charley really likes burritos.

Charley has always been sort of a tomboy that loves big dresses, but this year she has really gotten more girly. She loves to have her nails painted and wear make-up around the house. She'll also wear a gallon of perfume if I don't keep her in check.

Since Char started Kindergarten this year, she has made some really sweet friends. Phoebe (who happens to live across the street from us), Brookie, and Charley have a girl club at school. They had to break it up, though, because all the boys kept wanting to play with them. Charley claims to be the fastest in her grade, even beating the boys in races on the playground.

When school first started, Char had a little crush on a boy named Jett. He kicked her at recess a few weeks into the year, and I'm not even sure it was on purpose. She was over him immediately and hasn't looked back. She'd rather crush the boys in races than crush on them, which I'm totally OK with!

Charley is spunky, feisty, and silly all rolled into one. She makes us so proud every day with her big heart and never give up attitude. I don't think she's ever gone more than five minutes without erupting in giggles over one thing or another. She's always happy, and she loves her sleep. Girlfriend still misses her naps and frequently falls asleep on the way home from school. 

She makes us laugh all the time and is the best big sister to Perry. Every time I pick Perr up, her first words are, "where's Char Char?". She always takes care of her and makes sure she has everything she wants or needs. Char still looks up to Grace and would follow her over a cliff. They're constantly together and despite arguing pretty frequently, they're the best of friends.

I was recently told that she no longer wants to be called Char Char, because her name is Charley. She makes sure to remind Perry all day long, because Perr only knows her as Char Char.

We love you so much, Charley Anne. I wish I could keep you this age forever. You're so sweet and innocent, and I'm not ready for you to be finishing up Kindergarten already. You were my baby for so long, and as hard as it is for me to watch you grow up, I'm having so much fun watching you learn new things!

Happy Sixth Birthday, Big Girl!!

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