Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Watch Party at T-Mobile Arena (Go Knights Go!)

Monday was the third day of the ABCs of Kinder, which meant it was 'C'halk Day.

I picked the girls up from school, because they all had dentist appointments, and Perry goofed off while she waited for sisters.

They girls all had cleanings and check-ups, and there were no cavities to be found. 

I told Char we had to take her pictures before school, so Perry wanted a picture, too.

Char had 'D'esk Switch Day at school, and she got to sit wherever she wanted in class.

Gracie had soccer practice, and did so well! Her pull back followed by a goal was awesome.

Char had 'E'xtra Recess Day at school.

We went back to the dentist office for Grace to meet with their orthodontist and set a plan for her teeth. It looks like she'll be getting her expander sooner rather than later.

Our Golden Knights made it to the second round of the playoffs where they would face the Sharks. I really wish I would have known how much we would love hockey when season tickets were so cheap before we got a team. From game one, it was love for our whole family, and it's awesome to see the whole city really rally around them as they move forward in the playoffs. I hope the Knights fever stays this way forever, because it has really brought our community together like never before. It's gotten so hot that the mayor banned teal (the Sharks color) from the city. Go Knights Go!

The girls brought home some pretty cool paintings that they did in art class this week. Char drew the kitty, and Gracie made the colorful circles.

Charley also wrote instructions on how to blow a bubble.

Perry made a one-eyed clown all on her own.

I tried relaxing in a hot bath after work, but Perry was obsessed with the bubbles.

So much so that she climbed right in. She loved them even more from inside the tub.

Grace and Charley wanted to go to "take your child to work day", so I made them go to work super early with Isaac. When I got there, they had left me these notes on my desk.

She and Charley were fighting, so Grace wrote me this sweet note to apologize. Then I put her to work and made her file.

We watched the Golden Knights kill the Sharks that night. Everybody on our team just kept scoring, and The Kings were even tweeting about the Knights during the game (if you missed it last week, we swept the Kings in the first round of the playoffs).

Thursday was bring your favorite 'F'ruit for a Snack Day, so Char packed some cut up strawberries in her backpack. She didn't want to take a picture with them, because "they needed to stay near the ice pack".

We had a pretty eventful day at work on Friday when a piece of equipment in the yard had an electrical fire and went up in flames.

I saw this and thought it was so great. Tark is the only shark allowed in this town.

We were excited all day for the Golden Knights game, and we headed down to the arena with my sisters and their families. Our hope was that we'd be able to score some tickets on the cheap at the last minute before game time, but we watched them all day, and they just kept climbing. The cheapest ones at game time were $315 per ticket in the upper bowl!

We had so much fun watching the game outside of the arena anyways. There were SO many people out there, and they showed the game and all of the fun scoreboard games outside on the big screen for all of us. The excitement down there was real, and it was so neat to see everyone cheering together whenever we scored.

Fleury was incredible, as usual, and he's known around here as "the wall".

We went to double overtime, but the sharks pulled out a win to make the series 1-1.

Perry passed out in the car with her tattoo still on her face and didn't wake up when we got home.

Sunday was Charley's sixth birthday party at the skating rink, and we all had so much fun celebrating her special day.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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