Field Trip Friday {The Linq}

Last Friday, we went with our Field Trip Friday group on a field trip to The Linq. The girls were excited to ride the High Roller, and none of the kids were scared at all when we got to the top. (They may have been too distracted with all of their snacks.)

Jen found the cutest craft and brought it on the ride with us in case the kids got bored. It was perfect for them to do while we rode back down to the bottom, and it didn't even make a mess. Genius.

They turned out super cute, too!

After our ride on the High Roller, we walked through the Linq to the Flamingo. We were loving all of the big flowers they put up for spring.

We headed inside and went straight for the flamingos. All of the kids loved watching them, and they all had us laughing as they acted silly.

Perr and Acelyn had to get another baby BFF picture. They're going to have the best album of pictures when they grow up. I hope they really end up being BFFs!

Perry also had to smother Amelia with love. These two always have fun when they get together. Amelia loves Perry and always tries to take care of her, and it's the cutest! Also, Grace wanted a picture with this pretty wall of leaves. She's so my kid.

Our next stop was dinner at In N Out where the kids chowed down on cheeseburgers and shakes.

They were all adorable in their little hats, too.

We had so much fun with everyone. We don't always get to make the field trips, since I'm usually at work and Grace and Char are at school, but I love when they work out with our schedule. These mamas and their kiddos are always a good time! Thanks for setting this one up, Jen. You da best!

(Let me know if you want in, and I'll add you to our Facebook group!)

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