Last Week...

Picture of the Week: My Four Babies Perry spent Monday morning playing with her new Play-Doh set. She loved it, and it kept her entertained for a long time, while I got some work done. Brother just hung out in his basket, and Perry kept an eye on him. When brother got bored, he hung out on his play mat, and Perry was right by his side. She also held him while she watched movies. After she wore him out, he took a long nap. He was making the funniest faces when he woke up that made me laugh. I couldn't get over his tiny baby feet. Perry loves to kiss them. After a quick lunch, he was down for the count again. Perry went to school on Tuesday, so brother napped a lot. Charley's class had Watermelon Day, and she got to eat outside. They made some cute books all about watermelons. My favorite is her drawing of herself eating it. Grace's class made t...