
Showing posts from August, 2019

Momma's Boy {Four Months Old}

Baby Bro is four months old already, and I can't believe it. Time is flying, and this little guy continues to grow and move all the time. He's the sweetest, happiest baby that is almost constantly smiling. He loves to watch his sisters and always smiles at their pictures when they aren't around. If he's not happy about something when we're at the office, I just walk over to the wall of their pictures, and he gets the biggest smile on his face. Teeth have to be around the corner, because this kid is always chewing on his hands. I mean all.the.time. He can't get enough of his chubby little fingers. Baby Brother is still exclusively breastfeeding, and although it's OK for him to try some baby food now, I think we're going to hold off until he's closer to six months old. He is currently eating for about five minutes every hour and a half. I keep waiting for the stretch of time between feedings to get longer, but it seems like Bro...

Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Brother at the Doctor Again (see below for our crazy experience with health insurance) Perry and Acelyn started their first dance class on Monday, and it might be the cutest thing you've ever seen. Perry was alllll about it, copying her teacher's every move. She even made sure to see where the teacher landed when they played freeze dance and copy her pose. It was so fun to watch. After dance class, we also started soccer practice for Grace and Char. Our weeks are getting busier and busier, and I'm loving it (for now) . Brother loved hanging outside during practice. This boy loves him some fresh air. He napped in his rocker at work on Tuesday. Perry made up her own song and sang while we drove home. It was so sweet as she sang, "everyone's gonna beee allll righttttt". Bro Bro watched TV with Char Char. He laughed at Mommy before nap time. He played with his rat...

Last Week...

Picture of the Week: First Day of School! This summer flew by, and before we knew it, it was the first day of school. We took all of our traditional pictures, and I couldn't get over how much Grace and Char have grown, even just since last year. I love watching them blossom in school, and they're both excited to get back to hanging with their friends every day at recess. Both of them currently want to be teachers, but Grace also wants to be a famous singer to make lots of money. Of course Perry had to get in on the picture action once she saw sisters getting theirs taken. Char played with my camera, while I got Brother in the car and left me this gem. We met up with some friends before school for some quick pictures and then headed to the girls' classrooms. Grace was super excited, while Charley was her nervous self. She always gets so shy in new settings, but it doesn't take her long to fit right in. Isaac...