
It's hard to believe that my littlest baby doll is already One.Month.Old. 9 pounds, 1 ounce and 21 inches long This kid is already holding her head up pretty well, smiling at Mommy, and rolling onto her side (she's made it onto her tummy twice!). She's the queen of spitting up and loves to soak her onesies in milk. Charley isn't a huge fan of the binky like Grace ended up being, but she'll take it every now and then. She still sleeps a lot. Mostly in 5-6 hour stretches and then eats every hour to make up for it. This is great at night when I only have to wake up once to feed her and also at work when she hides under my desk in her sleeper all day long. From her 4D ultrasounds and the way she looked when she was first born, we thought she looked like Daddy all the way. Turns out, she resembles my baby pictures even more so than Grace did! (I'll post a comparison soon.) Charley loves her sister and would watch her all d...