Grace Face is TWO!

I can't believe it has already been two years since Grace looked into my eyes for the first time.

The love that I first felt on that day has continued to grow over the past two years as she has changed my life in so many ways.

I don't think there is any doubt that she's the cutest kid in the whole wide world:

She's bossy, sassy. hilariously funny, precious, sweet, and kind.

She is pretty much a genius as well.

In this past six months, this girl has gotten rid of her binky, stopped nursing, started sleeping in her own bed every night, talking (she can literally say anything and everything now), and become the sweetest big sister.

She's also learned her ABC's, how to count to 10, and can sing tons of songs.

Grace has loved movies since she was born, and her current favorites are Kung Fu Panda 2 and Up.

She loves Buzz Lightyear, Elmo, and Minnie Mouse.

Spending time with her buddies, Noah and Easton, is her favorite thing to do.

Kasie and Jeremy are her best grown-up friends. She asks Isaac and I where they are every single day!

She loves to push the buttons to turn the scale on, wait for it to stop blinking, and then step on it. When her weight shows up she says, "Twenty-eighhhhhttt?" (I think she's heard me say it a few too many times.)

Water is another favorite. She loves to play in it whether it's a pool, a hose, or even a water bottle.

She still loves macaroni and cheese, but also chicken fingers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and carrots with ranch.

She melts my heart each and every day. I love this little girl more than I ever imagined possible!

Since her birthday fell on a Thursday, she took cupcakes for all of the kids in her class.

She got to eat the extras when she got home, too:

(She loves her daddy!)

We have a big party planned for Saturday, but Grandma Lisa won't be able to make it.

Instead, she wanted to take Grace to King Putts after work on her birthday:

We had a blast!

Grace couldn't contain her excitement as soon as we walked in the door:

We ordered pizza and chicken fingers and played games until the food was ready:

Skee ball is always a must:

Grace learned the process quickly - tokens in, tickets out:

Once the food was ready, we all sat down to eat:

After dinner, we sang Happy Birthday and had more cupcakes:

Daddy showed her how to cash her tickets in:

Baby girl got all kinds of bracelets, rings, and light-up wands:

Even Charley had a great time:

It's so sad that Grace is growing up, but she really does get more and more fun by the day. I love that she's learning so much and even teaching Isaac and I new things.

I really need to cherish these next sixteen years because if they go by as fast as these first two, Grace will be moving out in no time. I'm going to talk her into living at home until she's at least thirty :)

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